
Coaching: A Career As A Coach

Satisfactory Essays

Many people in this world want to make a difference in life, by what they do as a career when they have figured out what they wanna do in their lives. Every person from when they are young want to be something in their life and succeed in that field. I remember when i was little, watching my grandpa coach my uncle and his football or baseball team depending on the season and, always being fascinated by the knowledge he had about the game. I was amazed by how much he had offer to the players on what to do and how to do it successfully, for me when i was little i always saw the coach to the review before the test letting you know what's gonna happen during the test/game.

A huge part to coaching is the amount of money the coach makes during their time as the coach. For the people hiring the coaches, experience is a big factor into how much money the will pay the coaches. As shown in people who are barely starting to coach make 3% lower than the national average(61,000), people in the middle of their career earn national average, while people that are experienced in the field earn 10% more than the national average. The coaches who are late in their career and have the most experience earn 35% more than the national average. For high school coaches the average pay per year is between …show more content…

The pay also depends on how well the team is doing and what the future of the program looks like. On the next level college football the situation with experience is

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