When I think of coaching I think of practice planning, game planning, scouting strategizing of offense and defense, choosing my starters, little things like that. All of those ideas are valid, but that’s not the whole picture. There is a lot more to coaching than planning for a practice or a game. Many times a person who would like to coach an interschool athletic team has little or no preparation to teach sports skills and techniques. The only qualifications is often the person’s participation on his or her high school, college, or university’s team, coach of a community youth team or even perhaps as a professional player. While all that experience is valuable in one way or another, it does not constitute an adequate preparation for …show more content…
Required classes to ensure that coaches know what to do are: Selected principles of biology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, and sociology related to coaching; human growth and development; safety; first aid and care of injuries; and training and conditioning of athletes. All coaches must be current in first aid prior to the first day of practice for the assigned sport. According to the Commissioner of Education in New York State University as stated in an interview through e-mail, “First-aid can be completed through various options like American Red Cross responding to emergencies; a state education department-approved course on health sciences applied to coaching; a state education department-approved college or university on athletics training or sport medicine; a state education department-approved in-service first aid course; a state education department-approved college first aid course; or equivalent experience attending clinics, workshops, courses or specific programs approved by the Commissioner of Education in that coach’s state.” Knowing the issues that come with safety and prevention is the most important. Every coach needs to take into consideration the fact that anything can happen, and with a proper training and courses taken can help in quick reaction to any incident occurring. Knowing the health related aspects of athletics is something every coach has to have.
Coaches need to have certain skills and knowledge to undertake the role. In my opinion a coach needs to be patient, supportive, interested, aware of others as well as self, attentive and perceptive. Such elements underpin effective coaching and a genuine interest in the person being coached.
This assignment will involve me discussing the roles, responsibilities and skills of two sports coaches, Alex Ferguson and Linford Christie.
people, working independently with little supervision, performing simple medical procedures, evaluation and caring for injuries, performing CPR, keeping records regarding injuries and treatment, knowing the preventive and rehabilitative uses of sports equipment and exercise, performing well in crisis situations, communicating effectively, and understanding the psychology of athletes and coaches.
I will inspire athletes to demonstrate good character. Sports do not have an influence on one’s character; however, coaches can strongly impact athletes’ character, both negatively and positively. For this reason, I will work to coach in ways that support the growth of athletes’ character and create learning opportunities and situations in which athletes can practice and learn from. As a coach, I will lead by example and demonstrate good character because actions speak louder than words. I will do this by embodying sportsmanship and respecting athletes, opponents, other coaches, and referees. I will also show this to athletes by respecting, caring, and being trustworthy. I will also lead by example by staying
Coaches should have sport specific skills as they need to understand certain technical aspects of the sport they are trying to teach. A coach needs to ensure that they have a good knowledge and understanding of their own sport and how the latest information in sport science can aid to develop performers, this is important so coaches can deliver demonstrations correctly and carry out good practice as if they were to demonstrate something wrongly then students could pick up bad habits by simply imitating and doing as their instructed. However if a coach is less knowledgeable in a particular area of sport they could use their transferable skills .
When coaching I have to not only make sure they are having fun and working skills needed, but having fun and making sure I address an injury properly if necessary. The size of the school is increasing, so I have to make sure that I include all of the students and faculty, and have an open mind for possibilities. Being an officer in many things and participating in extracurricular activities, I have to make sure my grades stay up and I do not forget to do anything. I now know the things that are allowed and not allowed to wear during an interview or presentation for future knowledge. I have the experience and skills of how to take care of little kids and an idea of what to do when things go wrong and how to avoid them from
A person must have specific knowledge of the sport they desire to coach, because they have many duties that come with their job. “One of the main duties of the Coach is to put together a team of the best athletes available in the specific sport” (Field, 2012, p.115). Coaches and athletes both want to be successful. This is why one of the main duties of a coach is to pick the top players out of high school. It is hard to be successful if a team does not have the proper athletes. A coach’s duties will vary depending on the size of the school. At a small school a college coach could be responsible for not only coaching but also recruiting, scouting, finance of the team, and much more, while at a larger school a coach may have their own departments for each of those duties. The main focus of a college coach is to prepare his or her players
The start of the 20th centaury there has been the approach that the Great man theories,qualiteis approach that great leader are born despite more interest being set in psychological theories.
The coach is focussed, determined, tenacious, hard – even ruthless- but never cruel. His resolve to overcome all obstacles and challenges in pursuit of the agreed goal is unshakeable. No matter how many setbacks, he has the resilience to keep coming back, to keep fighting. He always has heart for the fight. He persistently seeks for the advantage and no matter how small that is, he will seize it and maximise its value. He is devoted to
Two years ago , i had a serious problem with myself , which can be seen as a strange issue , but I really suffered a lot from it , I used to over think things , and invent some fictitious problems all the time , I was unable to control my own thought . overthinking prevented me from feeling fulfilled , I wanted someone who could tell me what to focus on and how to enjoy this crazy, perplexing period in my life .
Coaching, however challenging, is a great way to influence the lives of others while also building their character. For as long as there have been sports, there have been people teaching the sport to the players and making them better at it. Coaches must have certain qualities in order to obtain success. One must also look at a coach’s motivation for his job, his passion for what he does, his methods for coaching, and how he became a coach in order to fully understand him. There are many questions someone may want to ask a coach about his profession if they are interested in coaching. Some questions would include: Why did he choose this as a profession? How did he get into coaching? What does one have to do to get a job as a coach? How
The career path I’ve chosen was to become a football coach. My former football coaches inspire me to chase this career path. I think me becoming a football coach would match my personality because I would want people to do well in life and I would want students that I would coach to grow up to be the best person they can be. This career needs me to have experience with football and the knowledge of the sport of football. I think becoming a football coach would be the most satisfying career path for me because I love the game of football and what it's about.
Being a leader has many advantages and disadvantages. Could coaching an employee be helpful for all involved? Being in a management position there is the need to be the devil’s advocate and approaching employees in a delicate manner to engage in the conversation that something issues need to change. What is the definition of coaching when working with adults in a workplace? Do managers need to be coached on how to coach? These are items will be addressed in this essay for anyone who is in or is planning on being in a managerial role. All the skills needed to provide a safe and healthy work environment for every employee.
Upon successful completion of this project I will identify an existing problem of a team that I am a part of and I will act as team leader and develop a coaching plan to solve this problem. I will use my current place of employment as an example. As team leader, I will lead the resolution to the problem and build a more cohesive and productive team.
After receiving my degree and certification I will need to find an open position. It is predicted by USNews.com that there will be 29.4% growth in employment outlook for coaches in the years 2010-2020. As stated earlier there is no experience requirement, the only thing suggested is to have background knowledge of the game. I plan on becoming a physical education teacher at the high school level. By doing this I will be able to find employment easier than just being a football coach. Since many of the schools hire teachers to be coaches, being a teacher will make this process easier for me to get involved with the football program from the beginning and work my way up to eventually becoming head coach. In an article by Lisa Miller, she talked about how coaches need to identify their purpose in coaching before they become one. Many are in it for the money and fame. After thinking hard about the question, I finally discovered why I wanted to become a coach. I don’t want to make millions, or become famous. The reason why I wish to coach is to be able to impact my player’s lives and help them become better men like my coaches did with me.