
Coca Cola Employee Motivation

Satisfactory Essays

When the company having a more skilled and well person to managed a company’s staff, there are easier for the company to manage performance and productivity. This are the important of Human Resource management can be success globally. Most of the companies will invested in Human Resource management and this can help their employees deliver excellent performance. Beside with having a good salary pay and recognition, creating an environment with trust and respect can motivate their employee. Coca-Cola Company treated their employees with respect and organization provides the employees with a rewarding work life. By having this environment, the company’s employees can perform better, develop their skills to improve themselves to reach the company’s goals. Coca-Cola Company provide a …show more content…

To ensure that employees do not feel left out or frustrated companies must use employee engagement programs that make them feel valued and included. The success of Coca Cola also depends on how committed and motivated its employees are. For this purpose the company has used several programs that keep the employees engaged. In this regard it also holds regular dialogues with its employees as well as organizes employee surveys and representative groups.
It also measures employee engagement and their satisfaction with their work lives regularly. Coca Cola uses exchange programs where the employees of one nation are sent to another to learn and derive cultural insights. Such programs can be key to employee satisfaction. However, Coca Cola also employs other methods of employee engagement and motivation. In Great Britain its employees are provided with discounted gym memberships, free exercises classes, free coca cola drinks and fruit, a restaurant that serves healthy food options, flexible working schedule and other health and personal welfare related benefits. Payments and

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