My passion for technology goes a long way back to when I was a teenager. I've always thought of myself as being technical and as such I would always look out for opportunities where my desire for technical work would be fulfilled. Coming from an under-privileged background, I never had tech toys or cool gadgets to play with so I resulted to playing with almost anything that seemed interesting. I took apart my family's old laundry iron to see what was inside because I was curious to know what caused the iron to be extremely hot. I ended-up ruining the iron and got a very good beating for it. That didn't stop me. I kept my curiosity alive and then coming to Canada made it even more real and achievable. I joined to the Robo-gals club in my school
Since I was little, I’ve always been good with technology. As a child, I would teach adults how to use their phone even if it was my first time holding the device. By giving me a few minutes, I could tell completely analyze a phone tell the owner how it works and such. That talent later developed my inspiration to become an electrical engineer that dealt with hardware and software that were used in phones and video games. This dream also led me to apply at a math and science school, GSMST. However it all changed in my first year there and it forever changed me.
Growing up, I tried to diversify myself as much as possible. I read books over many different subjects, and I would constantly search for tutorials on the Internet to learn how to do various tasks. I built circuits, wrote computer programs, played musical instruments, learned French, and I used all of this knowledge to try to improve my understanding of the world and enrich my own life and the lives of others. However, my greatest fascination that I have always had is my fascination for technology and electronics.
I’ve been fascinated with with the arts my entire life, I was drawn to the emotion that can be produced without any words.
I am constantly writing. I write to reduce anxiety, to plan out my day, to jot down a hilarious joke (probably made by me) that I don’t want to forget later. Slowly, I am penning my own musical and I have written several short stories as well (which will be hidden in my room until my untimely death). One may assume that due to my love of creative writing I’m a skilled essayist and all of my former English teachers adored me. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Throughout my high school career not only did my papers never did pass an AP rubric they received harsh critiques as well. This ultimately discouraged my passion for writing.
I dreamt of walking on Commonwealth Ave. I envisioned myself entering the Morse Auditorium, books in hand, eager to learn. Ever since I had visited the eclectic city of Boston in 2006, I knew it was the right fit for me. I knew that the city itself, along with the remarkable academic resources that Boston University offers would allow me to grow socially and mentally. Until this day I ask questions on end from my comrades at the BU, impatient to learn more and more about their lives on and off campus. From all the feedback I have received I have come to one conclusion: BU is the place where I will get a rich, broad background in all my studies. BU will give me the foundation and preparation I will need to enter any field of study.
The romance began when I was four. I still remember when my mom dragged me, kicking and scratching, to the local Long and McQuade’s for violin lessons. At that age, I was more interested in making music with a purple dinosaur than I was with a wooden box. I have put thousands of hours of practice over thirteen years into taming its rough voice, and now, I am equally capable of producing roars of rage as I am sighs of satisfaction.
To begin, I am a very well rounded individual, and although my interests and skills aren’t limited to STEM, I have found that my passion for STEM has made me a better person overall. I live in a very rural part of Canada, and because of this, it can be difficult for me to find things to do, especially when it comes to science and technology. This is why that I have, for the most part, paved my own way and learned most of the things I know about science and technology on my own, simply because these subjects are, to me, among the most interesting in the world. I have an insane drive to put my learning to use so that I can innovate and inspire others to continue their studies in STEM because I have found, through my own personal experience, that
Through the lense of any camera bestowed upon me, I find it my duty to capture the beauty in the things around me. While in college I hope to learn the fundamentals of Photography, gain more practice and become a professional photographer. My passion for photography is strong and I’ve been able to get a lot of experience with the camera in and out of school. I've photographed events for my church, I’ve been in the multimedia program at my school for three years as well the school yearbook. I’m currently the Editor in Chief. While traveling with my camera I hope to meet new people which will allow me to learn about new cultures and their traditions. I’ll be able to get a real life experience by eating, speaking and living how other
Throughout my life I've come to be heavily involved in just about all things technology and it's developed into something I've become passionate about. I began working on computers as early as 7th grade and I moved on to doing freelance work for friends and family, as well as taking Computer servicing classes my sophomore & junior years of high school. Beyond high school I had a falling out with technology, and I believe this was necessary in order for me to realize that it's a field that I love and excel
We always sat in this living room on a big brown couch in a comfy cozy house filled with warm tones and American Indian art. For the past six years of my life, I have been on two robotics teams--the first four years spent on an all-girls robotics team. My coach of four years always--always quoted Sir Isaac Newton: “if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” My coach was a giant through his big belly and his large passion for robotics. He would always tell me “your peers, your teachers, your coaches, your parents are your giants because you learn from standing on their shoulders.” This is how my background with my coach of four years would influence the types of problems I want to solve.
Call me Missy but if you have to know my real name is Michelle. Of course, similar to all the other thousands of essays you’re going to read, they will be about why a student desires or strives for college. Well to be honest, there is no easy way to explain why someone craves to go to college. I am wishing to be different excluding all the other essays you’ve read. Explaining my achievements, stress, and grades I’ve had all show how much I wish to go to college. Please just give attention to my essay.
According to Zadie Smith, she states “ In my situation, every time I write a sentence, I am thinking not only of the people I ended up in college with but my siblings, my family, my school friends, and the people from my neighborhood. I have come to realize that this is an advantage, really; it keeps you on your toes.” ( Smith ). When I first arrived at Brunswick Community College, I did not have a for sure plan on what I wanted to do with my future. To be honest, I was not really that concerned about my future. I was more concerned about what I could do in baseball and how far I could go in the game. It has taken me my first semester in college to understand how truly blessed I am to even be able to play baseball in college along with
For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved learning new things and acquiring new skills. Anything that seemed remotely interesting to me was reason enough to be explored. Whether it was learning to skateboard, or taking apart old technology to see how it worked, I always wanted to do something and try something new or different. One particular venture that got me into the STEM field specifically was when I wanted to learn music production. I had friends who made beats and it looked really fun to me, so I went home downloaded some software, and was disheartened to see that old computer my uncle had given us was not powerful enough to run the software well. From that day on I had researched how to upgrade computers and make them faster
I enjoy a challenge when it comes to creating, which is why I am interested in technical hobbies such as welding and woodworking. I have always been fascinated by machines, robotics, planes, and engines. Additionally, I enjoy working with others whether it be on major or minor projects. I am always passionate and focused on the work that I am given and will work until I feel content.
My true passion for engineering began when I came across the quote: "Technology are devices that make our lives better". Despite my first love of mathematics, my recent interest for engineering has come from two major influences. The first being my mathematics and physics teachers, both engineers by nature, who have helped me enhance the fundamental skills essential for engineering and embrace the importance of the field. The second being the learning about uses of technology in Computer Science, it taught me the magnitude of which technology contributes to our everyday lives has led me to intensify my desire to improve the lives of others.