
Communication As A Globalized Environment

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Communication in a Globalized Environment Trade and communication are no longer constrained by the physical boundaries of the country in which an organization is located in. Instead, goods, information and services easily flow across national borders in a way that was not imaginable only a few decades ago. This ease of communication and trade resulted in corporations relying less on their domestic or regional marketplace, and expanding internationally to take advantage of attractive economic opportunities in other countries and the international environment (SHRM, 2015). Due to the rise of international trade and transnational corporations the average manager now communicates with vendors, employees and businesspeople in multiple countries on a daily basis. This level of global communication between individuals, requires management to display a greater level of understanding, cultural awareness and sensitivity in order for communication to be effective. Unfortunately, many managers and organizations underestimate or ignore the barriers that culture and language create when trying to communicate in a global or multi-national setting. In doing so managers are unable to communicate effectively with the broad range of cultures represented in today’s workplaces. This decreases organizations’ ability to operate on the global business stage as well communicate and function internally effectively. Communication is one of humanity’s greatest tools “for understanding,

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