
The Importance Of Communicating And People Understand Communication

Decent Essays

Communication has always been a up and down aspect in my life. I believe communicating is the purpose of receiving and giving information to others, but I also believe that communicating is a way of expressing yourself to the rest of the world. I do understand that others have greater levels of communicating and people understand communication differently. I have experienced both of these aspects of communication in groups I have been part of. Personally, I prefer to work in a group setting rather than as an individual. I like the support, experiences, and even friendships that evolve from group work. I believe that group communication helps to create a memorable and positive outcome for the task rather than doing it independently. I have been apart of many “groups” throughout my high school and college years and I have enjoyed and learned many different things from each one. One group in particular in which I learned a lot and was able to gain many skills was from my “core group”. I was a New Student Orientation Assistant (NSOA) when entering my sophomore year at Eastern. NSOAs assist the new students with their transition to Eastern. There were over 150 of us students that were divided into core groups. I was with my core group for five days and with them throughout those days for more than 12 hours. Through those long training days, we learned a lot about one another. As a group, we bonded and were able to successfully complete the First Four training and orientation.

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