
Community Application Sample

Decent Essays

As a young girl, I was raised in the typical “small town USA” community of Ontario, Ohio surrounded by the same families and peers throughout the duration of my childhood, a place where everyone seemed to know everyone, and relied on each other like loved ones. Therefore, growing up I was fortunate enough to always have a great support system from not only my parents, but my community and school system as well. Although I will always love my home town, as I have grown and matured I have come to realize that this small town and it’s uniform beliefs are only holding me back. In my community, there is a tremendous lack of diversity. Not only is Ontario- a predominantly white community- lacking in race, but also in political values, cultural values, …show more content…

I have pursued this interest throughout my highschool career by participating in groups such as Key Club and National Honor Society in which students perform acts of service in their communities in order to help the environment and others within it. During my time spent in these organizations, I engaged in a variety of community service acts including volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, visiting with the elderly at local nursing homes, and even walking and caring for dogs at the local Humane Society. In addition, I hope to further my interest in helping others through my future career which is why I am choosing to pursue a degree in nursing. Once I become a registered nurse, my ambition is to ultimately become a nurse practitioner. The Honors College can help me achieve these goals through the personalization of my educational experience in accordance to my personal career interests and aspirations as well as the multitude of opportunities and challenges that will be offered to me as a student such as the possibility to one day study abroad and experience the cultural diversity that I so yearn

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