
Community Holistic Circle Healing Case Study

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Currently, Community Holistic Circle Healing involves multiple different aspects in order for this program to function. Since it is such a high functioning system, the team involved is busy counseling victims, families of victims, victimizers and their families, running healing circles, investigating new disclosures, attending court and even working with individuals outside of the community (Bushie, 1999). The challenge is being able to keep up with every group of individuals needs because of the heavy workload. The members partake in assessment team meetings that are bi-weekly (Bushie, 1999). These weekly meeting involve various agencies including, but not limited to, child and family services, health and social services, and the medical clinic. These …show more content…

As stated previously, Community Holistic Circle Healing also partakes in circles and sentencing circles, including victims, family of victims, victimizers, family of victimizers and the staff (Bushie, 1999). Individual sessions are also held through this organization, these sessions include, but are not limited to, counseling, anger management, child within therapy, sweats and ceremonies (Bushie, 1999). Community Holistic Circle Healing holds case conferences to connect with other agencies to help ensure clients are receiving the support and services they need (Bushie, 1999). Home visits are another part of Community Holistic Circle Healing worker’s duties, this accommodates for individuals who are unable to attend circle to ensure they are connected within the community. To strengthen the community’s relationship, they involve community work, which helps individuals within the community stay connected and support each

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