
Compare And Contrast Nola Pender And Nursing Theory

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Nola Pender and Virginia Henderson who were both influential nurses, researchers, authors and theorists. To begin with, Nola Pender was born on August 16, 1941. Her career began in 1959 when she joined the nursing school of West Suburban Hospital, which is now known as West Suburban Medical Center. One of the degrees she achieved included a Registered Nurse Certificate in 1962. In addition, she earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing in 1964 from Michigan State University, a Master’s degree of Nursing in Human Growth & Development which was awarded in 1965 and a PhD in Psychology & Education (double major) between 1967 and 1969. After acquiring her degrees, she worked as a nurse educator for over 40 years and at other administrative positions …show more content…

When it comes to nursing practice, wellness as a nursing specialty has grown in prominence, and current state-of-the-art clinical practice includes health promotion education. Nursing professionals find the HPM relevant, as it applies across the life span and is useful in a variety of settings (Pender, 1996; Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2002). The model applies the formation of community partnerships with its consideration of the environmental context and extends to global health promotion (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2010). Clinical interest in health behaviors represents a philosophical shift that emphasizes quality of lives alongside the saving of lives. In addition, there are financial, human, and environmental burdens upon society when individuals do not engage in prevention and health promotion. The HPM contributes a nursing solution to health policy and health care reform by providing a means for understanding how consumers can be motivated to attain personal health. In addition, in regards to education, the HPM is used widely in graduate education and increasingly in undergraduate nursing education in the United States (Pender, personal communication, May 24, 2000). In the past, health promotion was placed behind illness care, because clinical education was conducted primarily in acute care settings (Pender, Baraukas, Hayman, et al., 1992). Lastly, in research, the HPM is a tool for research (Thomas, 2017). Pender’s research agenda and that of other researchers have tested and report the empirical precision of the model. The Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile, derived from the model, serves as the operational definition for health-promoting

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