"Working with Grandpa" presented four different generations still in the work force, and each generation has its unique characteristics (Grammar Connections 5, 112). The youngest generation mentioned, Generation Y, computers and other technology are always involved in their private and work lives. They “Millennials” or “Echo Boomers” enjoy working as a teams, and cooperating with their old co-workers because of the influent of their parents. The second generation, Generation X, they try to achieve their work-related tasks by themselves in contrast to Generation Y. They tend to be more doubtful, when it comes to following authority figures.
Baby Boomers are self-assured, and independent. They also have a strong work ethic and aren’t afraid of hard work. They prefer structure, a right path of learning to reach their goals. Baby boomers aren’t afraid to put in a hard day of work when it is due. Baby boomers aren’t familiarized with technology. They appreciate a good challenge, and accept a mission to increase their knowledge and push them past their limits. Unlike Baby Boomers, Generation X is familiarized with technology and incorporates it when necessary. Generation X tends to entrepreneurial thinkers and reality driven, and their mentality is will lecture assist them in the real world. These two groups come from a different background and the way they view behavior.
There are five different generations working together on any given work day in the world. These generations are the Traditionalists (veterans), the Baby
The Tethered Generation, written by Kathryn Tyler, a self-identified member of Generation X, published this article in HR Magazine, a magazine for HR Professionals. In this piece, Tyler elaborates on what she believes to be the most dependent generation to exist: Millennials. A “frequent contributor” to the publication as a freelance writer, she has quite the background in human resources and training, which reflects in the style of this particular article. In the beginning Tyler discusses the effect that tethering to technology, peers, and parents has had on this generation. Towards the end, she writes a sort of “how to” guide on dealing with those effects in the workforce, and how to make the transition into the workplace for those individuals (and other employees) as smooth as possible. Her thesis is evident in the beginning of the article. Tyler argues that because millennials are too attached to technology and dependent on other people that are close to them (like parents and peers), they lack the skills and traits that previous generations possessed, as well as autonomy, and in the process created an epidemic of very overbearing parents that may be too concerned and involved in the life of their children, which could be detrimental to the new young adult’s development of their professional life. This rhetorical analysis is going to dissect the writer’s use of logos, pathos, and ethos in her argument.
It is important to keep in mind that each generation sees the world through a unique lens that forms as a result of the events that were taking place in the world as these individuals grew up. Brenner focuses on the different events that have shaped their values and their perception of work. For example, the Veterans went through World War II and grew up with a strict regimen. As such, quality, respect and authority are important to them. Baby Boomers embraced the value of having to sacrifice to get ahead. All that sacrifice makes them very loyal. Generation X workers were the latchkey children who watched their Boomer parents forge a new workplace. They were also the first generation to grow up with technology. As such, this generation cares more about productivity and less about the number of hours spent on the job. Millennials are a generation entrenched in technology and therefore urn for instant gratification. They bore easily. Because they best understand how to maximize technology, they value a balance between work and
Makrovich (2013) in a study of stereotypes work in both generations are depending on the nature of the generation. Furthermore, the generation X should appreciate and be ready to adapt to the way work ethic generation Y. The difference between the two generations will maintain loyalty to the leadership of senior generation trends. Enticement, pleasure seeking, self direction and task-oriented are the dominant trait on generation X working stereotype. This is where they are more on task-oriented, independent and also more on self-reliant in their working ethics in the workplace. Generation X at workplace was this generation are easier to adapt and also have high expectation in the workplace. Generation X by virtue can developed living skills
Every generation is influenced by its period 's economic, political and social events. From the Great Depression to the civil rights and women 's movements to the advent of television and advanced computer technologies. Thus generational background/situation may also affect the way they work. The key is to be able to effectively address and take advantage of the differences in values and expectations of each generation in the workplace. The current work place consists of four different generations; The Baby Boomers (1946-1964) who are slowly retiring and existing the workforce, The Generation X (1965-1976), The Generation Y or millennia (1977-1997), and the Generation Z who are about to or are just entering the work force. Although these different generations tend to want similar things in a workplace their environment/background has shaped their character, values, and expectations (Hahn 2011).
The current generations in the workplace today are Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each generation brings their own values and mindsets to the mix. Although genetics play a part in a person’s characteristics, the generation in which someone is born into also plays an integral part in shaping their mind, values, goals, and work ethics. People from the same generation share similar experiences, and this can influence how they think politically and socially.
This mixture of generations creates many issues in the modern workforce, as many differences in culture, norms, behaviors, values and perceptions of the workplace exist across these generations. Also, for perhaps the first time in history, four distinct generations are working alongside each other in the business world. As noted by Sam in his email, the coexistence of different generations can have many influences on the workplace. One of the biggest influences is the different attitude and acceptance of technology, as the millennial generation was the first one to
Every work environment is teeming with people from various generations. Though, the majority of people wish for a healthy work environment this is not the easiest to come by. People from these different generations have different ways of looking at the world. They were raised differently and though theoretically want the same things they want to reach these goals in different ways. Rising to leadership, the understanding of technology, adapting in the workplace, and communication are the four criteria you need to know to understand how the people of Generation X and Millennials function together in the workplace.
Older colleagues to this generation is the Y generation as lazy individuals who are more difficult to manage. This generation also has a reputation for leaving their organization of employment abruptly to seek new opportunities. Generation Y has been exposed to the world in a different way than previous generations, they are more racially and ethnically diverse and they are much more segmented as they have seen the rapid development of cable, the internet, etc.
I believe that all four of the generations in the work place can work together without having any conflicts. Many professional facilities and companies have people of different age groups working together in the same field. There are many articles written by different people who say that studies show that there are many conflicts between the generations, while working together. The four different types of generations are the veterans, the baby boomers, the generation X, and the generation Y. I will talk of all their important characteristics and compare and contrast their qualities based on work ethics, education, and multi-tasking.
Four generations are closely working together in the workplace today. This class will focus on the different shared experiences that shaped the generations and how it influences their working styles. Participants will learn to be aware of the different generational work styles, communication methods, and what motivates the different generations.
The conflicts or differences can be caused due to various reasons like the preferences in the Communication Style, the Traditionalists and the Baby Boomers prefer more of face to face communication and the GenX and the Millennial prefer email and text messaging ([16] Glass ,2007:[52]Wagner,2007) Differences can also happen how they view authority and Management like Traditionalist believe in a chain in command , Baby Boomers believe in a consensus Model ( Roy,2008a,b) And when it comes to career stability, Traditionalists and Generation X likes to focus on employability over climbing the career ladder. And Generation Y has a high preference for engaging workplaces
Just as Bennis believed and analyzed how events in one’s lifetime effects how people identify in their era, I believe this is very true as well. You can see it throughout history. For example our grandparents are very satisfied settling with a job that gives steady income and look to save lots to fulfill the need to feel safe. This can be understood because some of our grandparents or their parents saw the effects of the Great Depression on their lives, families, and society. Our grandparent’s generation in a way always lives in fear of this happening. In comparison, younger people that lived through 9/11, the crucible of my time, and are now becoming of age, live in the same fear as our grandparents. The only difference is what one generation
Each generation has certain characteristics and values with which the members of it can identify. Members of Generation X highly value their job and family time; so they try to find a balance between these two aspects of their lives. Generation X are hardworking people, but they are