
Comparison Between Rapid Diagnostic Tests ( Rdt ) And Light Microscopy Of Plasmodium Species

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The comparison between Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT’s) and Light Microscopy of Plasmodium Species in Karachi
Dr. Nida Baig, Ayaz Ahmed
Department of Clinical Pathology, Dow institute of Medical Technology, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi


Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of RDT malaria p.f/p.v using microscopy as the gold standard diagnosis.

Methods: 300 patients of both sexes and all age groups with clinical doubt of malaria were studied. Venous blood was collected for microscopy and RDT in EDTA tube. Thick and thin films were prepared and stained with Giemsa and Leishman’s stain was examined. RDT malaria test was performed and interpreted according to manufacturer 's directions.

Results: Out …show more content…

There are numerous malaria rapid diagnostic tests that are commercially available [1], all of which detect malaria antigen in blood flowing along a membrane containing specific anti-malaria antibodies.

Introduction Accurate diagnosis of malaria is necessary to prevent morbidity and mortality while avoiding the pointless use of antimalarial agents to cure the malaria. Over-prescription and under-prescription of antimalarials are basically attributed to false-positive or false-negative laboratory test results obtained in the diagnosis of malaria. However, the diagnosis of malaria is based on clinical presentation of malaria (fever, nausea, chills, vomiting, headache, fatigue and muscular aches) because in government sectors, tertiary care center, that depends on the result of peripheral smear, which is time consuming.

Malaria is one of the most common blood sucking disease and a major health problem worldwide infecting 200 million and killing about 2 million people each year [2]. Rapid diagnosis and early treatment of clinical cases is central to the reduction of malarial morbidity and mortality [3]. The two diagnostic approaches currently used are clinical and microscopic examination. Clinical diagnosis of malaria alone is unreliable and should be confirmed by laboratory tests [4].

The exo-erythrocytic stage of life cycle of the malaria parasite ends when the established

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