
Components Of A Successful Manufacturing System

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During the course of history, manufacturing processes have changed radically. Instead of items being produced by hand, the owners of the facilities created ways to have machines produce the items. The impact of changing the way items were manufactured had a wide reach. Industries such as textile manufacturing, mining, glass making and agriculture all had undergone changes subsequently reducing production times and costs of producing material.
In the modern age, manufacturers have been subject to tremendous pressures to initiate new and innovative manufacturing procedures for achieving a competitive edge for the development of the organization. One of the major approaches in bringing sustainable development is to provide …show more content…

Toyota’s developments of ideas were later acknowledged as lean manufacturing principles. These principles emphasize on assisting the methods to control the flow of material and bring system wide improvement not only in the business wide division but also in the manufacturing division. Seven categories of waste or “muda” (Japanese word for waste) have been identified as follows:
Figure 1 Categories of Waste
Overproduction & Early Production
•Producing over customer requirements
•Producing ahead of demand
•Time Delays
•Idle Time(time during which value is not added to the product
•Multiple Handling
•Delay in Materials Handling
•Unnecessary Handling
•Holding or purchasing unnecessary raw materials
•Work in Process & Finished Goods
•People or equipment moving or walking more than is required to perform the processing
•Unnecessary steps or work elements / procedures (non added value work)
•The effort involved in inspecting for and fixing defects
The greatest challenges to any manufacturer in implementing a lean manufacturing strategy is attacking those processes that cause one of the seven types of waste first, and second, creating a more synchronized manufacturing strategy. The major characteristics of this strategy are

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