
Concept Of Attitudes On Attitudes

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Concept of Attitudes
In literature there are several definitions of attitude. According to Legendre (LaFortune & Saint-Pierre, 2001, pp. 30-31) an attitude "is a state of spirit, an inner disposition acquired in relation to himself or to the whole element of the surrounding environment that incites a way of being or acting, favorable or unfavorable ". For Morissette and Gingras (1999) an attitude is "an inner disposition of the person that translates into moderate emotional reactions that are assimilated and then tested whenever the person is placed before an object; These emotional reactions lead her to approach the object (to be favorable) or to depart (be unfavorable)”.
At the beginning of the studies on attitudes by psychology, Allport …show more content…

The most widely used models for the study of attitude are the Model Classical Tripartite Attitude (CAB Model), the Classical One-Dimensional Model of Attitude and the Model Attitude-coated Tripartite according to Neto (1998). Attitude is composed of cognition, affection and behavior, these elements being the most diversified order.
Since attitude is a set of multidimensional variables, and taking into account the traditional approach made by Rosenberg and Hovland (1960), which proposes to analyze the three components separately, so that they can be operationalized. These variable are constituted by the affective component of an attitude refers to the subjective feelings and the physiological responses that accompany an attitude. The cognitive component refers to the beliefs and opinions through which the attitude is expressed, even though they are not always aware. The behavioral component concerns the mental and physical process that prepares the individual to act in a certain way. " (Neto, 1998).
Studies by Brewer & Crano (1994) and Olson & Zanna (1993), draw the following rationale for the three components. The affective component of attitudes refers to the way a particular stimulus triggers affective reactions, regardless of the information has on it, and some symbolic attitudes concerning ideological contents. However, most attitudes are cognitive information dependent on the conjugation of existing beliefs, that is, on how the individual associates objects

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