
IPD: Mutual Benefit And Reward

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1.1 Mutual Benefit and reward: All parties of construction project will benefit from IPD. The integrated process required more participants' involvement at early stage, because the IPD structure will recognize the compensation and reward at early involvement. The compensation will be based on adding value to the project and it will rewards what's the best for the project instead of individual benefit. For example providing incentives tied to achieving project objectives and goals. The concept is to use innovative business models to enhance collaboration and efficiency.
1.2 Mutual respect and trust: The IPD requires from all participants such as owner, designer, consultants, constructor and suppliers to understand the …show more content…

1.6 Intensified planning: By increasing the effort in planning, the efficiency and saving during execution will be increased. So the concept is to improve the design results as well as smoothing and shortening the much more expensive construction effort, not to reduce the design effort.
1.7 Appropriate Technology: One of the successful key in the integration project approach now a day is that the integrated project based on cutting edge technology. So it is vital to specify the technologies at the project initiation to maximize functionality, generality and interoperability. The IPD approach is coordination and collaboration process, for that it is essential to support it with open and interoperable data exchanges based on disciplined and transparent data structures where the technology is appears. This type of practice is called open standards which enable communications among all participants, so the technology used should comply with the open standards whenever available.
1.8 Open communication: The IPD based on team performance which requires open, direct, and honest communication among all participants. It is important that the responsibilities are clearly defined in a no-blame culture between the participants which will leads to identify and resolve the problems, not to determine of liability.
1.9 Organization and leadership: The IPD approach is an organization in its self and all team members are committed

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