
Connection Between Social Problems And Urbanization

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The sociospatial perspective (SSP) provided a different approach in viewing this connection between social problems and urbanization. Because real estates ' investment involved different interests and development, SSP believed it plays a contributing factor in the urban development. The pulling factor of people 's involvement in the "second circuit of capital, real estate" (Gottdiener and Hutchison, 2011) is strong because it is profitable. This activity is composed of both participants that are interested in acquiring wealth from real estate and a structure. Because it enables anyone to invest money in real estate for profit, it covers all usages and purposes for that investment. Looking back to the case in Hong Kong, lots of household investments were made by Mainlanders to either treat it as an additional source of income, or as a way to spend money that accumulated in an illegal way and cover their tracks, or a way to show off their wealth. According to Centaline Agency, luxurious homes bound by Mainlanders accounted for 25.4% of home sold in 2014 (Sito, 2015). And often the fancy properties ' transactions went through companies incorporated overseas, sometimes even the directors of the company are unknown, making it very suspicious, but due to the large transactions, agents won 't ask further questions (Sito, 2015). SSP also suggested that negotiations and contending interests lead to metropolitan growth. Negotiations between different forces and groups in a

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