
Content Area Reading

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In chapter nine of their book, Content Area Reading: Literacy and Learning Across the Curriculum, Vacca et al. (2014, pp. 280-307) discuss strategies that encourage writing across the curriculum. Throughout the chapter, the authors present numerous instructional practices and strategies that can be applied by educators to facilitate writing in their classrooms. As I read through this chapter, I was surprised by how mathematics could be applied to these strategies, a learned new information, and was surprised at times. Overall, this chapter offers a plethora of information to up and coming educators, and gives insight into how writing can be implemented into their content areas. I’ve always viewed content area writing as strictly consisting of short answer and essay questions and prompts. In this chapter, Vacca et al. (2014) showed me that a multitude of strategies exist for implementing writing into content areas. One of these new forms of content area writing that I learned about in this chapter were microthemes. Vacca et al. (2014, p. 286) defines mircothemes as “a brief piece of writing that …show more content…

2014, p. 299). I have envision having my students complete experiences to reinforce the concepts that we have learned about in lecture and having them complete lab reports on these experiments would allow them to work on their writing skills. These lab reports will not only work on their writing skills, but also their critical thinking and summarizing skills. If I implemented lab reports into my classroom they would not be traditional ones. I would create my own template for my students to follow, which would be made up sections such as a summary of the experiment, how it can be applied to the real world, and an explanation of the mathematics they used to complete the experiment. Utilizing lab reports would allow my students to expand on their math skills, while also practicing their writing

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