
Continuous Assessment And Continuous Assessment

Decent Essays

Some people believe that exams are an inappropriate way of measuring students’ performance and should be replaced by continuous assessment. Do you agree or disagree?

In Korea, it was commonly believed that the College Scholastic Ability Test would determine which university the student would enter. Some students even committed suicide because of their low score. The government chose to perform continuous assessment partially because it is efficient to evaluate students’ lives more thoroughly. The side effects of the CSAT including mental and physical problems of students have reduced slowly. Continuous assessment is more appropriate to test student’s school life than one big exam for students’ happy lives.

Taking continuous assessment, teachers can test students’ every aspect from attitude to academic achievement. Continuous assessment includes grades about all parts of school life such as behavior at class, diligence and academic test. However, a big exam only tests academic knowledge. At an exam only system, it can be …show more content…

At continuous assessment system, to enter their dream university, students have to get high score including behavior grades in the classroom. Because whoever disturbs classmates during the class gets lower score at behavior part than the others, students are usually careful at the class. If one boy made noise during the class and bullied the others, teachers will warn him and said to him that he will get the lowest score. Most students do not want to get low scores and follow their teachers’ order without complain. Without benefit for teachers, this scoring method also gets a good press because students can get grades in accordance with their study attitude not just a big exam. Continuous assessment is the advantageous way of grading because it makes teachers easy to handle the troublemakers who are so noisy that the others are affected and involves in

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