
Cornell College Reflection

Decent Essays

7. What summer experience has been of significance to you? Why?
Summer of 2017 at Cornell’s condensed 6 weeks semester with credit, taught by their professors was a sheer pleasure.
It gave me a true preview of the college experience.
I learn to speak with not talk to my professors and teaching assistants when I needed help and to discuss class topics to further my knowledge by exploring the topics with them in conversations.
I learned to plan, such as checking my email frequently for posted assignments a week before they were due, instead of a day, like in high school.
I had to learn to manage my time more effectively.
No adult or parents telling me what to do; I was completely free.
The Cornell Summer College allowed me to gain the responsibility that comes with real freedom.
8. Have you traveled to or lived in different localities? If so, where?
My parents have always adhered to our seeing the USA. Our travels have been on holidays, when our parents have conventions, and a combination of exploring America’s historic sites, national monuments, learning about history through museums, unique settings such as Sturbridge Village, and seeing colleges.
As my resume shows I have been to Vermont, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, California (both the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas), Illinois (Chicago), Rhode Island, Arizona, Maryland (Baltimore), and Florida. Winter weather and friends have made our international

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