
Creating A Word Problem For Students

Decent Essays

More structured to more open because student that are gifted or have more of a understanding of word problem will be able to fill in their own matrix and provide their own suggestion in order to create a word problem. The student that need more support will work in groups to provide suggestion to the teacher, then teacher will guide the student on which components they are choosing in correspondence to the number they roll with the dice.
Simple to complex because students can make their matrixes more complex by adding more facet or by adding more option and rolling two dice instead of just one dice. By adding an additional factors this adds more detail to their word problem. Furthermore if student have two dice this requires student to add the number of each dice together to see what number they must choose. If a student is uncomfortable with word problems then they can use just the 5 facet to make it simple and just roll one dice to find the number.
Clearly defined problem and fuzzy problem, we can use matrix to differentiate because the lower student can have clearly defined expectations that they have to use all five component in a word problem, however the student that have a better understanding are able to use the matrix as a brainstorming item and then use it to elaborate on their word problem adding more charters, detail or a more complicated mathematical process. Therefore the stronger student are creating fuzzier problems while the student with

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