
Creation Myth Motifs: How The Earth Was Made?

Decent Essays

This essay is going to be about different types of motifs that caught my eye. All the motifs lead to how the earth was made or what happened to it after it was made. There are all kinds of different creation myths that believe different things about how the earth was made. They all have their different, unique beliefs on how the earth was made. Most people, if you are catholic believe in the one and only God and believe that he is the one that created the earth. So in my opinion, three of the most common creation myth motifs are people coming from organic material, destruction, and the jobs of the humans are to take care of the planet.

Motif #1 My first motif involves the idea of people coming from organic materials. I chose this as my …show more content…

I chose this one second because it was one of the more interesting ones that caught my eye when I was going down the list I had made. I also chose it because it is an important motif. Many cultures incorporated this motif in their creation myth because the god would get mad or frustrated and they would start to destroy stuff or the earth. The inclusion of this motif is that not all cultures believed in destroying things because not that many cultures had destruction with them. The ones that had the destruction in them the people made the gods mad, so that is why the god would get mad then he would go and destroy the earth. The cultures that included this motif in their creation myth are a lot of them. The cultures used this motif by destroying the earth. Some ways are when the gods got mad they would flood the earth. One of the ones that caught my eye the most was the Maori. The Maori was a crazy one because one of the gods got mad and sent hurricanes, tornadoes, and cyclones to the earth and destroyed it.

Motif …show more content…

The Mesopotamian (Enuma Elish) use this motif because they believe that people have to work as slaves for them. The Mayan use this because Tepeu and Gukumatz gave the people the task of taking care of the planet, also worshipping them. In return for working and caring for the land the gods would give the people what they needed to flourish. The Norse/Viking creation myth uses this motif because Odin gave the people the task of taking care of the earth, so that the gods would not have to do it and they could just sit back and watch. The Inuit used this motif because Raven gave man, a woman to be his helper. Another one was the Inca they used this motif by the gods sending their children to teach the people how to take care of the world. In return the gods would give the people what they needed to survive. The Egyptians used this motif by Atum giving the people the task of taking care of the world and worshiping him. In return the gods would give the people what they needed to survive and

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