
Crime And Its Effects On Society

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There are many kinds of crimes. Crime affects all people, even the ones who are not directly involved. “Crime imposes significant costs and negative consequences to people globally” (Wickramasekera 2015; 218). The costs of crime can be very high, and that is based on every aspect not just monetary. In today’s world, people spend a lot of money to protect themselves from becoming victims of crimes. When a serious crime happens in one community, people in that community will take the necessary precautions that they believe will prevent that crime from happening again. Depending on the severity of the crime, it can also affect people in other communities not only the people in the community where the crime happened. However, many times the …show more content…

al. 2017; 123). Thus, how far will almost $6,000 get individuals who lost their vehicle? We all know that is not enough to get a car in good condition that will last at least for few years. Maybe it is enough to get a motorcycle or motor scooter but definitely not enough for a decent car. Also, individuals get the money for their stolen vehicles from their insurance companies. But what about their stolen TVs, computers, the money they kept at home, and any other property they had at their house? No one insures their TV, computer or the cash money they keep at home. Once they are stolen, the only way that individuals might get their property back is if the burglar/s is/are caught. If, not that will just cost victims more money out of their pocket.
Victims of crime often find themselves overloaded with medical bills. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, crimes such as rape and sexual assault cost victims approximately around $7,700 to get proper medical health care (Mooney et. al. 2017; 123). Any type of treatment is costly now days. We are aware that everything spins around money in today’s world, and even the people in the medical field are trying to make as much money as they can, particularly doctors. This includes, “directing patients from public institutes to private doctor’s offices”, recommending unnecessary medications, giving unreal descriptions of the patients’ conditions, etc. (Fathi 2016). When victims of crime find

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