
Critical Thinking And Self Reflection, Tyson Foods Inc.

Decent Essays

Through critical thinking and self-reflection, Tyson Foods Inc. will be able to uncover the truth claims, weigh the evidence, examine the underlying assumptions or opportunities, and eventually make appropriate decisions to reconstruct their current strategy (Kurucz, Colbert & Wheeler, 2013). Critical reflection involves corporations evaluating the relationship between business, society, and the environment that is currently framed in the existing business model as well as introduce opportunities and challenges (Kurucz et al., 2013). Some questions Tyson Foods Inc. must ask to identify these assumptions are: How is the existing relationship between business, society, and the environment currently framed outside of the organization? How can …show more content…

This provides them with the opportunity to reconstruct their current position and look at implement strategic management concepts that can increase profitability and corporate social responsibility. Tysons Food Inc. can utilize external assessments to better understand the non-controllable industry environment and competitor strategies, some of which could include PESTLE, Porter’s Industry 5 Forces, or Stakeholder Theory. Through utilizing the PESTLE evaluation with regards to the livestock production sector, it’s evident that political, technology, and legal are the largest forces shaping animal agriculture today. Government regulations by the United States and the ever-changing consumer preferences are important variables to consider in the livestock production industry. For example, if government issued policies showed to be in favour of chicken production, it would be in Tyson Foods Inc. best interest to raise and slaughter chickens rather than retrieve eggs from them. Similarly, if consumer preferences shift from chicken to beef or pork, Tysons would be required to rethink their current production strategy to align appropriately with the current trend. Additionally, technological advances in the livestock industry has made it possible for many corporations to significantly improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of their production. The core driving forces for this improved technology is population growth, increase in income, and

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