
Critical Thinking Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

WEEK 4 Critical Thinking Assignment Question # & Response 8 lines 11 point Times 25.) I believe your academic performance can be affected by stress depending on what type of person you are. Some people can handle stress very well, while others fall apart. Stress can affect a person in many different ways. Stress is usually never seen as a positive thing, but in some ways I think stress can help one’s academic performance. Stress can be seen as motivational. For some people stress can motivate them to do well on an exam that will count for most of their grade. Stress can sometimes motivate you to focus on your work, especially when a teacher or professor can be very demanding. Other times, usually stress has a negative impact on students. …show more content…

The mind has a lot of control over one’s body and physical health. Unfortunately sometimes as humans we allow the mind to control us. I believe as humans we are born with many fears, but we also can become afraid of things from learning from others. For example, if my best friend in kindergarten was afraid of spiders, I could learn to be afraid of spiders as well. Our mind creates that fear, and it is up to us to listen to our minds in believing it or not. Another example is public speaking. Personally I have a fear of public speaking, but it is all in my mind. I believe our mind can hold us back sometimes where we can’t reach our full potential because of problems likes stress, fear and dissatisfaction. Our mind is telling our body sometime thing is wrong and is mentally holding us back from accomplishing great …show more content…

Type A people let the external sources and the environment control their lives. Instead of letting their inner self motivate them to achieve success, they are motivated through external sources. This is why Type A behavior can be unhealthy to one’s health because they are motivated by the wrong things. For example, money or the approval from someone. Type A individuals therefore have an intense personality. That is because they are very competitive and eager to achieve their goal. Their competitive strive can make them very impatient and constantly worrying about time which causes a great amount of stress. Type A individuals drive themselves crazy by working constantly and tend to be a perfectionist. Such behavior can easily lead to a heart attack or stroke. Relaxation Technique Technique Before HR After HR Rating (0-10) Reaction Statement Guided Mental Imagery 12 11 9 I really liked this technique. I am in love with the beach, so the thought of relaxing on the beach after being in a tunnel relaxed my body. Also the sound of the ocean was very relaxing. Mental Imagery 11 11 5 This technique was harder to achieve. At first I tried imaging walking a hiking trail. At the end of the trail I stumble across a huge waterfall. At first it was relaxing, but after a couple minutes my mind began

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