
Crohn's Disease: A Case Study

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In today’s society Dieting and Exercise are very important in obtaining good health. Regular exercise has been long associated with fewer visits to the doctor, hospitalization and medication. Stomach cells regulate several functions such as sensation, motility, secretion, absorption, local immune defense and also your food intake. Many physicians today use dieting as an intervention to overcome health disorders and diseases such as crohns disease. Crohns disease is a chronic disorder that is associated with inflammation of the digestive tract. Over half a million Americans men and women have been diagnosed with crohns disease. Crohns disease is the most frequent functional gastrointestinal disorder, with a prevalence of 5% to 11%, and is associated with high cost of health care and reduced quality of life (Ligaarden & Farup 2011). Some environmental factors such as dietary factors and psychological stress can play a huge role on the clinical course of crohns Disease. More than two thirds of subjects with CD relate their symptoms to the intake of food, leading most patients to modify their diets ( Ligaarden & Farup 2011). Psychological stress has played a role in causing …show more content…

While symptoms differ from patient to patient, some may be more common. Symptoms consist of Diarrhea, bleeding out of the rectum, serious need to move bowels, Stomach cramps along with pain, Sensation of incomplete evacuation, Constipation, Fever, Loss of appetite, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Night sweats, and Loss of normal menstrual cycle. Crohns Disease affects the area of the small intestine and the colon. Diagnosis consist a standard physical exam of your body followed by some basic questions to help physicians learn more about your general health, diet, family history, and environment. After the basic procedures are done there will be a couple of laboratory tests done to study bloody stool, as well as X-rays of the upper and lower GI

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