
Cultural Differences Between The Middle East And The United States

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The Middle East is a very culturally different place than the United States. So I have interviewed a friend of mine who is from the Middle East and asked them some things from their daily lives and culture in the Middle East. I asked them some information about themselves, some important things in their culture are, and how they communicate with each other. First some information about the person I interviewed. She grew up in the Middle East in Muscat, Oman. She grew up speaking Arabic and learned English in school so she could come to America and learn. She had two younger sisters and a younger brother. She also practices Islam and follows the religion very well. She has also traveled around the Middle East with her family for vacations. Second is some important things to the Middle Eastern people find important to …show more content…

Honor is also a very important thing in Middle Eastern culture. Education is highly valued in their culture society for both men and women, it brings honor to a family. Helping people in their community are perhaps the greatest source of family honor. A guest in someone’s home will never go hungry or be sent out in the cold. The people of the Middle East have high generosity and hospitality. Homes are always ready to receive an unannounced guest with food, sweets and coffee. Visits with family and neighbors are common, often occurring once or twice a week. The gender roles in the Middle East are not as different as ours in the U.S. Fathers are considered to be the heads of households and do the decision-making in family matters. This also comes with the responsibility for the family's economic well-being and security. Women take responsibility for raising the children and keep the household clean

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