“Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.” (BrainyQuotes) America is called the melting pot for our variety of people that have melted together to become the great nation that the world knows. America’s society has been influenced by ethnic diversity from the foods that people eat, the clothes one wears, and the languages heard everyday. The diversity of food in our society today is comes from every corner of the world. Walking down the street a person may find a chinese restaurant here, and then a block over a italian dinner. Most of the food that are thought of being “American” are actually not American at all. “Common meals now include foods from Europe, Central America, Africa,
Indeed, Pollan’s views appear to be convincing since the different cultures in America offering a large variety of traditional food dishes causes a problem in food choices. As a consequence, Pollan mentioned, the mindset of American’s about, “what should we eat for dinner?” is caused by the food options in America being very diverse and not limited.
Overtime, people wander around the world in search of a place that could help them survive, which is why the flow of people of different ethnic backgrounds has been large in our country. America has always been regarded too as a “great melting pot” due to the diversity of its nation. America is filled with people of different ethnic backgrounds, cultures, and rituals, which is what has given America its unique identity. Thomas Paine states that everyone in America has been brought into “cordial unison” because the values by which America was constructed on have not changed. The diversity in America has simply added details and little changes to American values, but it's central values are kept secure.
The United States of America is a perfect example of cultural diversity. Starting with the Mayflower landing in Massachusetts Bay in 1620, to the Great Migration from 1915 to 1930, to the continual immigration into our country today this country has seen its culture grow and reshape itself over the years. The culture of the United States is diverse but understanding and appreciating various cultures does not always exist within today’s classroom or in today’s society. Understanding or even defining cultural diversity , identifying the challenges cultural diversity brings, or how to face cultural diversity are all issues educators face in today’s classroom.
So many times the phrase "melting pot" is used to describe the United States of America. It is a country built on ideals such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other basic human rights. These ideals, though they may have originated from European men labeled as liberals, eventually captured followers from all over the world. Soon, America was a mixture of peoples with different ethnic backgrounds, religions, and cultures all working together for the "American Dream."
Malcolm Forbes once said, “Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.” The same diversity that shaped the United States going back to the sixteenth century when immigrants landed in North America. Diversity of people and species, but their real differences were religion, politics, economics, social issues, and the fantastic ways they dealt with those issues.
You made some very valid point in your discussion. This country was founded on social and economic diversity in which it does tend to categorize everyone into a certain group to feel a sense of validation of whom they believe they are or should be. European Americans did this categorization as a means to ensure that society will embrace them as the superior race and blacks and Indians as the inferior race. This segregation of humanity was denoted as “high” and “lower” class groups that became interconnected within the social and racial institution. Additionally, these distinctions such as skin color differences in America today are thought to explain perceived differences in intellectual, physical and artistic temperaments and to justify the
The United States population continues to increase in racial and ethnic diversity, therefore, it is pertinent that mental health professionals tailor their services to the needs of various cultural populations (Constantine, Kindaichi, Arorash, Donnelly, & Jung, 2002). The awareness that ethnic minorities experience negative consequences from being oppressed, resulted in the multicultural competence pedagogy and has helped counselors identify effective strategies to generate social change (Hage, 2003; Vera & Speight, 2003). Social norms that cause these injustices are identified, allowing for ethnic minorities to constitute and embrace empowerment. Moreover, this consciousness helps prevent therapists own bias’ from playing
The presence of Latinos in the United States challenges the notion of there being only one specific type of American citizen, an English-speaking person who lives only in relation to an "Anglo" heritage. Alongside other minority groups, Latinos tend to believe in the notion that the United States must be made up of one bounded territory, within which people speak a singular language and experience one culture. So, when the Anglo groups are faced with Spanish speaking people who are in touch with their Latino heritage, they feel threatened by the people who can speak both Spanish and English. The response to this sense of threat involves marginalization and the obvious exclusion of Latino groups in the United States. At the
Throughout the world social problems such as illiterate, elderly, handicapped, minority groups, and poverty have been the biggest part in our society for many years. Some of our social problems had died off, meanwhile, they’re still many problem that we are still facing as a society. One of the major social problem we face is people being illiterate. Being illiterate is meaning a person can not read nor write, and it can also mean that a person is grammatically incorrect. There is as much as 23% of the adult population that are ignorant to basic skills of the 4th grade level. In the U.S. the ethnic group that is most affected by not being able to read or write is
“Diversity is about all of us.” Diversity is what joins us all together as a whole. It is what makes up the world. It can have a positive effect on a group.
The US may occasionally be labeled a melting pot because of the immense number of immigrants and diversity in one country. Over time all of the various nationalities have transformed this country into
In the last 100 years, the American population of 65 years or older people has increased eleven times. The 2030 estimates project that 22.3 percent of the population (80 million) will be 65 or older. (Bookman & Kimbrel, 2011). Basically, the majority of the over 65 population is healthier and is living longer. However, people of color have suffered through racial suppression in this country. Many of them enter old age after a lifetime of struggle that has not allowed them to save for retirement and where, because they have not had access to decent health care, they are in poor health. (Bookman & Kimbrel, 2011). Medicare does not cover all of the care the elderly may need, especially those with chronic conditions.
United States is the most diverse country I know and the future looks like diversity is
America is greatly influenced and enhanced by the many versatile cultures which inhabit it. Cultural diversity has added to our economy in such a way that it brings innovated ideas and contact structures throughout the world. International cuisines have come to America through subcultures, have expanded the food industry, and have allowed English Americans to try new foods and flavors. Immigrants have brought with them religious values that greatly differ and vary from those at which were natural in the main stream American culture. The educational development through foreign nationals has led America, as a nation, to excel and be deemed one of the most intelligent nations in the world! Consequently, the subcultures have kept our
The United States first became identified as the world’s greatest melting pot after the waves of immigration from Europe and neighbor countries to America. The culture they brought over combining with the culture of the Native Americans and those who previously set up foundations within the Americas.