
Cultural Implications Of Dealing With Vulnerable Populations

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Discuss the cultural implications of dealing with vulnerable populations
Nursing is generally viewed as a simple profession where you learn to take blood pressure, temperature, and smile. However, in reality, nurses are the most reliable people the vulnerable population trust during the time of need. The vulnerable population includes the mentally challenged, the unborn, those with few financial or social resources and those with cases as the incarcerated and the immigrants. The nurses also play an important role in promoting social justices. The nurses apply the ethical principles of justice to care for this venerable population with very limited funds. To provide nursing care to this population, nurses avoid to be judgmental …show more content…

Notorious for inmates that have committed crimes like murder, Angola gives Faust a greater challenge as that of an average prison nurse. Faust is the hospice coordinator in Angola. Faust said that as a child, she would never work at Angola, since her mother worked there as tower guard. Faust said that it was the norm to work at Angola, while she was growing up. Many people question her choice of work, but Faust says that you have to view the prisoners from their point of view, "put yourself in their spot," she says. Nurse Faust 's challenges represent those of the thousands of nurses around the world who are working in the prison system. Faust is joined with Naomi Cross, a delivery nurse who works at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Cross addresses the stereotypes when she says, "a lot of people just think that you deliver babies." However, delivery nurses "more than that" and are "cross-trained" to work in the other departments of labor and delivery. How could Naomi do all this and manage her family of three? She had a miscarriage and having no knowledge of what was going on, she "took her little baby and wrapped him in a sheet and threw him away in the trash." After receiving guidance in a conference, Cross said that guidance "just burned a fire in me to never ever want any other mother to be alone" through a miscarriage. The guilt and the passion for nursing led Naomi to work at the prestigious John Hopkins

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