
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy Essay

Decent Essays

As a nation, we are facing the challenge that our schools are becoming more diverse. The majority of our school teachers are still predominantly white females, but our student population is slowly changing. The scary part of it all is that our teachers do not have the skills to accommodate those differences. The changing demographics of our school population, calls for new teaching skills (Utley, Obiakor, & Bakken 2011, pg. 5). Our student population is changing and will continue to change so their needs are more demanding and we need teachers who are qualified to teach student with learning disabilities and those that use culturally relevant pedagogy to teach their students.
Culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP) is defined by Brown-Jeffy and Cooper (2011) as, the teacher acknowledging the home culture of their students (p. 67). Not all students come from the same cultural background and even the teacher might come from a different culture, which can result in a cultural clash that can lead to gaps in learning. In order for teaching and learning to take place simultaneously there needs to be a connection between the home-community and the …show more content…

Gay writes that, part of the acknowledgment includes understating the cultural characteristics, morals, values, learning styles, and contributions (2002, p. 107). Culture is a mixture of so many things and it is important for teacher to know them because they have direct implications for teaching and learning. Gay mentions three important components that teachers need to know such as, which culture gives priority to problem solving or communal living, what are the cultures appropriate ways of interacting with other adults, and the gender roles of each culture (2002, p. 108). Once the teacher has a foundational understanding of these components they then need to acquire factual information in order to take their understanding to the next

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