
Culture, Culture And Non Material Culture

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Culture refers to any kind of morals, habits, norms, practices, beliefs, laws or customs acquired by man in a particular society. Culture is the set of knowledge, skills, traditions, customs, unique to a human group, to a civilization. It is transmitted socially from generation to generation and not by genetic inheritance, and largely determines individual behavior. (Arendt) Culture encompasses a very broad aspect of social life: techniques, manners, morals, lifestyle, system of values, beliefs, religious rituals, organization of the family and village communities, clothing, etc. Culture can simply be known as the way of life of certain people or area. Culture is a representation of a society with their thinking, norms, values and symbols. Culture is divided into two aspects; material culture and non-material culture.
Material culture mentions and depicts the tangible objects, material or physical aspects or objects of a culture which can include types of houses, cities, areas, praying places, architecture, factories, offices, and means of productions, tools used for workings or neighborhoods. (Material and Non‐Material Culture) For example people from Pakistan wear Shalwar Kameez, they use bullocks to plough their fields, eat spicy food, and pray in diverse type of mosques. Whereas people in china drink warm water, travel on bicycles, live in smaller homes, a lot of people in china own small house industries and eat blend food with less spices. Youngsters in America tend

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