
Current Marketing Literature On Waiting Process

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Despite various researches investigating different aspects of waiting, there is a lack of an integrated theoretical framework that comprehensively describes how and why customers respond to waiting. This is partially due to the fact that prior studies have been exclusively focused on specific study contexts and purposes, for example, a study in restaurant waiting could hardly cover discussions about attribution; and partially due to existing conflict among applicable theories, for example, conflicts between assimilation-contrast theory and stress management theory; and partially due to a lack of universal definition for certain concepts, for example, different measurements of negative emotions.
As discussed, this study attempts to cover as many factors in waiting process as possible and integrates these factors in a unified framework describing the waiting process. We believe the paper contributes to current marketing literature on waiting process in the following several aspects.
First, it provides an integrated and extensive theoretical framework explaining the impact of waiting time on customer satisfaction. The framework fits into models proposed in past empirical studies (e.g. Casado and Mas, 2002; Houston et al, 1998; Taylor, 1994), and argues a partial mediation effect rather than a full mediation effect of negative emotions. This argument attempts to emphasize that the direct evaluation of waiting time, which usually is ignored in past studies, has

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