
Curricular Epidemiology: Basilar Cellular

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I) Describe what would happen if there was a thrombosis (clot) in the middle cerebral artery? Anterior cerebral artery? Basilar artery? MCA: hemiparesis or hemiplegia of lower half of the contralateral face, Hemiparesis/hemiplegia of the contralateral upper and lower extremities, sensory loss of contralateral face arm and leg, ataxia and contralateral extremities, speech impairments or aphasia usually from a left brain lesion; perceptual deficits, visual disorders -ACA: hemiparesis or hemiplegia of contralateral lower limbs and pelvic floor, sensory deficits contralateral and especially leg and perineum, apraxia, disconnection syndrome, urinary incontinence, grasp reflex or sucking reflex contra laterally -Basilar artery: neurosurgical emergency …show more content…

Gerbils lack posterior communicating arteries, thus this would result in complete forebrain ischemia. III) What structures are considered part of the limbic system? This system is associated with mood and motivational behavior, but these behavioral indices can be expressed as a motor response (fear may make one flee, hunger can lead to opening the refrigerator door, etc). Outline connections you would allow a response in a limbic structure to be expressed by the motor system. Structures of the limbic system: Cortical areas: - Limbic …show more content…

All of these connections help to mediate the formation of memories. Interruption of such pathways has shown disruption of memory. These connections are necessary to integrate the multiple areas of the brain that are involved in the formation of emotion and memory. - The fornix primarily functions to connect 1) Hippocampus to mammillary bodies 2) Mamillary bodies to anterior nuclei of thalamus 3) Hippocampus to the septal nuclei and nucleus accumbens. VII) Describe how the shape of the thalamus and brainstem reflect the presence of impinging cortical structures along the antero-posterior axis. Describe the difference between sheep and human brains. - The thalamus is divided along the anterior posterior axis – from front to back by a strip of myelinated fibers called the Internal Medullary Laminal (IML). - The brainstem in humans runs vertically and in sheep it runs horizontally because that is the direction of the spine. - I imagine that when there is a brain injury in a human that causes swelling and herniation the brain stem is more at risk for damage because it is vertical and in sheep it is not as much at risk for damage and impingement because it is

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