Customer Service at Sangria Company Introduction ============ Sangria Company is one of the country largest soft drink companies. Sangria with it is 10 manufacturing plants all over United States and more than 1,200 employees produce an average of 5,40,5000 cases of soft drink monthly. Sangria Company recognizes that customer satisfaction is the key to their long-term success. They monitor customer satisfaction and are interested in finding ways to improve that satisfaction. Unfortunately, they have identified problems in the current system that lead to inefficiencies and a less-than-optimal level of satisfaction. Fortunately, the company is willing to commit resources to …show more content…
The phone system is currently set up with two lines: if the customer service representative is on one line, incoming calls are routed to voice mail where the customer can leave a message. The representative listens to the messages and returns calls as time permits. This is an inefficient system as the customer service representative has difficulty taking calls directly on busy days. Instead, the representative ends one call, listens to the next voice mail, returns that call, and so forth. Or, someone who is fortunately enough to reach the customer service representative directly may "bump" those who are waiting for a callback. As a result, some customers who become frustrated while waiting for the customer service representative to return their callr may call again and, reaching the representative directly, "jump" ahead in line. With a better phone system and one part time worker to help the customer service representative, the customer service representative can focus on serious complaints that involve off taste and illness and deal with them in timely manner more efficiently and effectively where many processes are involved starting from receiving
Customer service is the factor that can increase or decrease a company’s credibility in the market. The major complaint of clients refers to the situation of explaining their dilemma many times to many agents. Solutions as providing unique customer numbers indicate a better
Less hassle and additional assistance when they are chatting or calling Verizon’s customer service department- This is one added process that should never be considered a gap or omission in any business setting, especially customer service. However, it happens on a daily basis where a customer contacts our call center and simply wants to upgrade their devices or plans, then are not able to do either one for various reasons. Such as, not having their devices or plans long enough, being late on a payment, then still being required to pay the late fees, or the system will not permit the agent to make any changes for countless unknown reasons. These issues tend to stress the customers out and force them to submit negative reviews on social media or other outlets, too include a survey if they’re lucky.
Unhappy customers are bad news for any company. Every single complaint from a client is a manifestation of dissatisfaction because of poor quality service. Customer complains should be considered as a major factor as it will serve as a feed back of the company IT systems infrastructure(managing customer complains). Yakka Tech’s customer service business has doubled over the past five years yet the management was not focused towards the existing
While another team in the customer service call center is responsible for dealing with trade and retail customer’s complaints and questions. Continuous education and training programs should be implemented to train the customer service call center representatives, on how to efficiently take orders, handle questions and complaints while maintaining quality customer service. Through gathering of information from benchmarking partners, the customer service call center should have an average time spent on the phone with customers. Representatives that constantly provide quality customer service and do better than the average time spent on the phone should be acknowledged and rewarded with an incentive that will create competition among the reps to perform better continuously.
WFM does not tend to do much external communication in outreach to new consumer, they typically tend to focus on their culture and outreach to their current consumer and hope it extends through word of mouth. The few communications I see are the circulars that a customer can pick up at the customer service booth or upon entry of the store; I have never seen or heard of WFM using direct mailing. Recently WFM released an updated app that gives customers access to electronic coupons since they do not mail circulars. Occasionally a commercial for WFM would come on the television, however this is a recent activity which I believe should do with their decline in profits and a way to better their brand integrity after the lawsuit. However, WFM
As customers are now more knowledgeable, their demands are changing quickly and they become more and more demanding towards the organizations in terms of their customer service (Moore, Hopkins and Hopkins, 1998). Therefore, the attitudes and behaviors of employees who have frequent and intense interpersonal contacts with customers are important to achieve customer satisfaction. It is believed that the responses of customer contact employees affect customers’ perceptions towards service quality. Customers are usually more satisfied with the services if the customer contact employees have the ability and eagerness to help solving customers’ problem. It is proposed that customer contact employees will be more able to increase customer satisfaction if they are given more control over the service encounter and hence positively affects customers’
We all deal with customer service on some level in our daily tasks. Our experiences are not always pleasant, and I feel that more focus needs be on providing not only just basic customer service but to step it up and provide quality customer service.
Many companies continuously fail in customer service satisfaction for many reasons. As service failures are inevitable, it is important for companies, especially small businesses, to capitalize on learning the importance of reducing service failure. Just as the seed is the core of the fruit, customer service is the core of an organization; its meaning is the primary function for organizations to retain business and discover new ventures. Customer service is the primary source of business-to-customer communication and in many ways, handles company issues via phone, email or on site. Without customer service, it would be extremely difficult for organizations to operate or survive effectively.
It is important for the organization to understand that “change is a word that generates uneasiness in most of us. But most would agree that we can think of a time we had a good change in our lives” (Lotich, 2014). This is the message that needs to be relayed to employees is that as customer service is streamlined customer satisfaction will increase thereby lessening customer churn, while increasing our customer service reputation among consumers leading to an increase in users. This increase in the consumer base will allow XYZ Corp to allocate current employee focus on first call resolution for involved technical and billing issues while increasing the total of overall calls handled, the speed of answer and first call resolution satisfaction.
In a call center setting, most associates interact first hand with customers through phone call or even chat servicing. Many businesses depend on call centers to address numerous
The customer service manager should be able to trace the call centers that are performing well with reference to customer comments. Poorly performing staff should also be identifiable through tracing centers with highest complaints on a call centre. Highly performing centers should be recognized and employees rewarded. Poorly performing call centers should be cautioned and the employees who are not working disciplined.
Attached is our proposal, “Investing in Human Capital: A Recommendation Report.” At Assess the Best LLC, we seek to solve your employee related challenges by providing a total employee lifecycle solution. By investing in your greatest asset (human capital), productivity, sales, motivation and customer service levels will increase and employee turnover will be reduced. Our solution includes leadership training and development, employee training, management, and hiring tools to help you succeed.
This basically details the components of any customer interaction chronologically. Upon mastering each step, it is only natural to move on to the next. The book closes with several topics in “Advanced Customer Service Skills.” It covers such areas as: How to handle an unhappy customer, Selling skills, Telephone skills, and How to avoid stress and burnout.
A major customer is the consumer who is having a long-term relationship with the product or service provider. They can be regarded as the main target consumer or business for a corporation. This type of consumer has a long-term corporation and business dealings with the company. The advantage of having one major customer is that the customer may require the corporation to provide larger products supply and it has a small probability for customer to break their promise which may help the corporation make high profit. In addition, a long-term relationship with consumer may help the company increase the brand awareness and also the keep the company in good reputation. A good brand awareness and reputation may attract other consumer to buy
One of the most important aspects of any business is customer service. Failure to meet the needs of the consumer may result in loss of sales to a competitor. The changing trends and behaviors of the average consumer require companies to concentrate on the personalization of customer service in 2017.