
Cybercrime And Cybersecurity : Cybercrime

Good Essays

Jordan T. Bullock
Professor T’Mars McCallum
CSCI 101
2 April 2017
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity In today’s day and age cybercrime and cybersecurity are serious subjects. Now, back in the day say our parents or grandparents time those weren’t even real topics or non-existent. Cybercrime (hacking) and cybersecurity are still both fairly new and with newness comes problems. Such as, not fully understanding and knowing the ins and outs. Merriam-Webster states that cybercrime is, “crime (as theft, fraud, intellectual property violations, or distribution of child pornography) committed electronically.”1 Merriam-Webster also states that cybersecurity are, “measures taken to protect a computer or computer system (as on the Internet) against …show more content…

It may not seem like a thing, but it is real. Criminals now do not have to leave the comfort of their homes in order to conduct dirty business, a computer will do all the work for them (hence the black market). “Criminals take advantage of technology in many different ways. The Internet, in particular, is a great tool for scammers and other miscreants, since it allows them to ply their trade while hiding behind a shield of digital anonymity. Cybercrime affects society in a number of different ways, both online and in the offline world.”4 Piracy is a big thing as well, it is seen more than anything else especially in China. Piracy is geared towards those with a lesser income considering they cannot afford to purchase things at full price. Instead of using iTunes to download music most go on the internet and get it for free. Or they’ll download and watch movies online for free as well. Now many might have the question of when did all of this cybercrime stuff actually start. Well, cybercrime has been around as long as the internet has. There’s always been those smart enough to understand what they’ve been given. Some saw just something to have fun with while others saw a gold mined.
Though not all cybercrime is horrible, not saying that its good because yes it still has the word “crime” in it, but some do it alleviate themselves from debt, to hack into their professor’s computer to find out the exam answers, among other things. Some will

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