
Dannon Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

The case of Dannon
According to Laurette Ed (2016), A five-year-old boy by the name of Dannon was recommended to the school therapist because he was exhibiting social and emotional problems in the classroom. It is reported that Dannon resides with his mother and her brother. Dannon’s mom Ellen works outside the home and is usually not present when he gets home from school. Dannon’s uncle assumes the role of caregiver for him when he is home because mom is not there and dad is not actively involved his life and does not assist Ellen with financial support. Ellen reported that she separated from her husband after their relationship was plagued with domestic violence, which was also carried over to Dannon.
Dannon currently attends “elementary school” where he is a part of the special education program. Through this program, Dannon was placed in a “self-contained class” where he gets “speech therapy and occupational therapy.” According to Ellen, she is worried that the speech therapy Dannon is getting is not adequate because she does not see any progress in his communication. Other areas of concerns for Ellen is Dannon’s development when compared to children his age, and his conduct. According to mom, …show more content…

Therefore in addition to speech therapy and occupational therapy, this author would also add developmental therapy to his individual education program. In his plan, we would focus on Dannon’s social and emotional skills, along with his communication skills, which are the main concerns of Ellen. The therapeutic methods recommended will focus on Dannon’s ability achieve the goals set. According to Walsh (2016) “The goals of intervention in solution-focused therapy are for clients to focus on concrete solutions to their problems or challenges, discover exceptions to their problems (times when they are not happening), become more aware of their strengths and resources, and learn to act and think differently.” (P.

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