
Essay on Database

Satisfactory Essays

Project on Database Design for College Library

Index: 1. Introduction............................................................................ 3 2. Requirement Analysis ..............................................................4 3. Defining Entitiy and Attribute...................................................5 4. Entity Relationship Diagram......................................................6 5. Non- Technical overview of Entity Relationship Diagram..........7 6. User Applications...................................................................... 7 7. ER …show more content…

SQL Queries to retrieve data .........................................................29-37
11.Factors that influence Physical Database Design.............................38

Introduction :

Generally Institutions are mature and different systems are employed by the libraries to manage their resources in an efficient manner but still many libraries remain unconvinced and show reluctance to employ and switch over to new systems. Library management refers to the issues involved in managing the resources available in library such as classification of material, book processing, Journals.

My plan in implementing database design for college library will bring out technical advantages that are lacking in present system in maintaining Library.I will analyse the limitations of existing manual system employed by a college library and will mainly focus on the solution to provide a centralised repository

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