
Essay about David Beckham H&M Super Bowl Commercial

Decent Essays

David Beckham H&M Super Bowl Commercial This commercial was advertising David Beckham's new line for body wear available at H&M. The quick 30 second commercial focuses on the iconic beauty that is, David Beckham. Revealing the tattoos all over his body at all kinds of different camera angles, while using the last ten seconds to show David Beckham in a pair of his new underwear from his new line. It focuses on the brand being "David Beckham" labeled on the front waist band and closes the commercial with a smiling Beckham next to the H&M logo. That makes people want to go to H&M right? 1. Who is the target market and what message is being conveyed? The target market for this commercial is male gender because it's David Beckham's …show more content…

While looking for any other survivors, he comes across a group of guys (all driving different models of Chevy trucks) instantly making the assumption that only Chevy owners survived. They also do a little conversation asking where a friend went and mentioned that he didn't make it because he drove a Ford. (Striking up competition between the well known rivalry between Chevy and Ford.) 1. Who is the target market and what message is being conveyed? The target market for this commercial is car ownership because it's Chevy trying to convince the world that their brand is better than their closest competitor. (Ford) The message that is being conveyed is that Chevy offers the "longest lasting, most dependable truck on the road." They support that message by showing in the commercial that Chevy owners are the ones who survived the "apocalypse." There's little side tips too such as the Chevy pulling out of all the concrete debris and being able to maneuver in all kinds of conditions. (In this case, a traumatized and ruined city.) 2. Why is television an effective medium for this product? Television is an effective medium for this product because it shows the consumer what a Chevy can do. You see the Chevy making it's way through all different terrain, you hear the motor in the Chevy, and you see that Chevy survives. The effect just wouldn't be the same if it was over radio or being read in a magazine that listed specs.

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