
De-Extinction Cloning

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Should Research on De-extinction and Cloning be continued?
Have you ever imagined how it would feel when extinct species, like woolly mammoths and passenger pigeons, are brought back to the Earth? How would it be like to revive long dead species? Obviously, many would imagine it to be amusing and fascinating. There are numerous discussions ongoing that address the prospect as well as the impacts of de-extinction and cloning. I believe that de-extinction and cloning, though seem fascinating at first, are not really worth millions of dollars and hundreds of hours being spent for them. First, we should be protecting the endangered species so that they do not get extinct, rather than reviving those that are already extinct. Second, there are numerous problems with de-extinction like tiny market, ethical issues, and some more technical such as the complexity of resurrecting extinct genes, and then interspecies cloning. Moreover, we have heard about several scandals and cases of misusing genetic technology and cloning, due to which it has been a topic of constant public debate. As the saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’, instead of spending limited resources for the research on reviving a few species wiped away by humans, conservationists should focus on preserving the endangered ones.
To begin with, spending limited resources just to resurrect a few species does not seem wise to me. Research projects like de-extinction require a huge amount of funding, and if we

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