
Definition Of Individual Brand Strategy

Satisfactory Essays

Summary of Definitions
In employing an individual brand strategy a company provides each product in its portfolio with a unique name and identity, often downplaying the overarching (corporate) brand. Individual branding can prove advantageous because it allows the company to position each product differently, extending its offerings to more diverse markets. For example, Rosewood Hotels & Resorts (Rosewood) positions its properties by tailoring each one to their surrounding areas, highlighting the distinctive aspects that make each location special. By doing so, the company is able to attract customers from all over the world who are looking to be fully immersed in the environment and culture of the area in which they are visiting. Alternatively, individual branding can prove detrimental by decreasing the company’s overall brand awareness – as is the case with Rosewood – which limits the likelihood that customers will make a connection between a product they trust and one they have not tried.
In implementing a corporate brand strategy a company promotes its overarching brand name and identity rather than those of its individual products. Corporate branding can be beneficial because it cultivates brand awareness, spreading understanding about the overall company brand which often leads to increased sales and return customers. For instance, customers aware of the Rosewood brand typically return to the same hotel for a

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