
Deon Snider´s Powerpoint Word

Decent Essays

In PowerPoint Word, students have gained a significant amount of knowledge using the program directed by our instructor Mr. Deon Snider. In PowerPoint Word we were rigorously taught the skills and instructions needed to complete the courses and materials instructed by our instructor. Mr. Deon Snider taught us skills by assessing us on quizzing on lesson 1 in PowerPoint Word. For instance Mr. Snider gave all of his students at Isaac Bear Early College High School access to an excessive amount of notes to lesson 1 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. In these sets of notes they talk about how to access the backstage view, and what all the options under the settings do for you. Students have learned greatly from this because you can adjust settings to appear on your quick access tool bar or even adjust your auto saving settings comfortably to fit your needs. In PowerPoint Word we have talked about various different subjects involving the state curriculum. …show more content…

The widespread growth of the program has taught millions how to use basic formatting skills and programming techniques to create simple projects, proposals, letters, research papers and etc. Without the knowledge the professors provide for us today, I would be severely unprepared for college essays, work assignments, and even professional job applications and proposals.
The business field requires extensive treatment and professional abilities. This can push someone who is Microsoft Word certified, to land a job working at a large company earning above a minimum wage salary. The business world is strict but the economic growth is springing out opportunities for young people to use their high abilities and skills to push themselves into the future! Basic skills learned from Microsoft Word (Lesson 1 especially) will prepare students for the future business world after college and high

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