1.) Briefly describe a few of the disability related challenges faced by adolescents and young adults with disabilities. The disability-related challenges faced by adolescents and young adults is a long list. From wanting to challenge parents and being independent but couldn’t because physically dependent on personal care. To the “politics of appearance” where it shows what constitutes a socially desirable body leads to the denigration of the disabled body. Making it hard to believe that you can gain their attention and affection. Also having to continually prove yourselves to others (example: capable of attending regular classes). And the bullying/misunderstanding of the peers around you. 2.) Why is it more common for nondisabled women
The world as we know it has had many issues that has affected the lives of many people in our community. Some of these issues produce a negative response or unfair opportunities for the people with these issues. One type of issue that can be affected negatively in our community is child disabilities or any disabilities in general for that matter. The life of a person with disabilities could be a huge issue if the community keeps responding the way they have been responding.
There are many acts that help the employees within the workforce. The acts we will be discussing are as follows: Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in Employment act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Fair Labor Standards Act. We will also be discussing harassment, diversity, and grievances.
Because of a disability, a child may struggle to establish friendships leading them to feel isolated from their peers, this results in the child’s self-confidence being affected and the child struggling to manage their own feelings. As a result this can lead to feelings of depression, self-harm and mental health problems. By not managing their own emotions a child can then lack empathy and be pushed further aside from their peers. A child with a disability may be at a higher risk of being bullied.
If a child has a disability that restricts movement or requires them to use a wheelchair they will find it a lot harder to participate in the same activities as other children. This exclusion means that they will find it more challenging to develop relationships than their peers. If a child requires a wheelchair children may see them as different and may not want to interact with them in the same way they would with others. Consequently, they may find that they are being treated differently to other children. This will therefore harm the child’s social development and lower their self-esteem.
There are several legal and social foundations that are related with the Individuals with Disabilities Act. (Legal: constitution, 10th and 14th amendment) social foundations (what people thought about disabilities in the past) connect Willowbrook, early researches from 17-1800.
The former US President Bill Clinton said, “New information and communications technologies can improve the quality of life for people with disabilities, but only if such technologies are designed from the beginning, so that everyone can use them.” Discussing disabilities in general will take longer than one day. I am going to talk about physical disabilities .As the Longman dictionary defines physical disability is a limitation of a person 's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity and stamina. The issue of disability is not just a matter that concerns disabled people. It has been the problem for ages in the American history and if it is not controlled it can cause big fight. When someone is disabled, it does not mean that he or she cannot be educated. According to the Washington Post, education is the breath of life, without it man cannot survive. Education is free in America, which means everyone can obtain an equal education. One would ask if colleges have gone too far to accommodate students with disabilities. Colleges have not gone far enough to support the disabled.
3.1. Explain the potential impact of disability on the outcomes and life chances of children
Describe the effects that having a physical disability can have on a person’s day to day life
How does this social construction of disabilities impact institutional policies, and societal and individual behaviors regarding disabilities? In other words, how have people with disabilities been marginalized in the past and present at those three levels? Please be specific and provide examples to support your answers.
2. Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is an independent state agency that advocates on behalf of Georgians and families living with developmental disabilities. They provide Developmental Disability Services and Resources both in house and online services to parents and families.
For a start, children with a disability already face so much, and now have to deal with their programs being cut. I know how hard is it for these students, I have a godson who has autism. He struggles everyday with the littlest thing, and yet always want to go to school. Having a disability making everything more challenging with school, work, and
For some families, having a child with a disability may cause a lot of stress in the family. Families can experience stress from social discrimination and negative attitudes coming from stereotypes. Members of the community that have negative attitudes may not want to associate with youth with disabilities which may lower the chances of community participation and social inclusion. A family feeling embarrassed and ashamed may not participate in the community as often. Many families believe that their children need protection, therefore they take total control of the independence which can lead to lower self-esteem. This attitude prevents youth with disabilities from reaching their full potential. This could be a contributing factor as to why there is a lower number of youth living independently.
This can cause the student with the disability to distance himself from people including people in his community. They also learn that if they do not want to do something that they can just act out and it goes away. They grow up and do not obtain employment because of their lack of acceptance of people and people accepting them.
When I was born, I had a stroke which caused the loss of fine motor control in my right arm and foot. Due to my disability, my family moved from Florida to Virginia to Georgia in a span of two years. This was mainly due to the constant appointments with medical specialists. Despite the countless appointments, the doctors didn’t know how bad my condition would be. Many said that only time would tell and even more said I would probably not be able to walk unassisted for the rest of my life. During my early childhood, my parents prayed a lot and I was baptized. I then spent my entire childhood in physical, occupational, and speech therapy. While in Georgia (age 2-8), I didn’t really see myself as different. None of my friends asked me about my disability so I thought nothing of it. I went to Sunday school every Sunday and believed in God. I saw my life like everybody else.
Have you ever get a chance to know about disability, a cause of disability, and the consequence? Disability is a condition, which may restrict the person mental, sensory or mobility function to undertake or perform a task in the same way as a person who does not have a disability. One disability comes in much Variety of shape, sex, color, and culture like others do. The only thing that separates a person with a disability is that, they only cannot do certain things in the same way as the mainstream of society. Because there are many different reasons and conditions can impair their behavior, movement, and mobility. The inability to use legs, arms, or body because of paralysis, stiffness, pain or other common impairment may change their thinking and also behavior. Moreover, it may be the result of disease, age, birth defects or accidents, and they may be contributing to other disabilities such as, impairing speech, memory loss, short stature, and hearing loss. It is the most important thing to change our observation when we come to Childs with a disability because they may find it difficult to participate when they facing social and physical barriers. Most people have a different attitude for disability and they treat them differently. Unfortunately, this type of thinking or stereotyping is one form of discrimination. Also, it is diverse when we see disability between developed and developing country. In developed country disabled teens have the accessory to use items to