• Local Area Network A LAN, local area network, is a group of computers and other devices that share a wireless link to a server. A local area network is usually in a distinct location like an office where all the devices are close, hence the name local. It is used to share resources like a printer and can be used with a small group of people or a much larger one. Interconnection devices such as switches and routers are all used to connect the network to the internet. Wi-Fi or Ethernet can be used to connect the network to the internet. A local area network must relate to standards and protocols. It does this as it is connected to the internet through the Wi-Fi. • Wide Area Network A wide area network is distributed places unlike a local area network which is local. A WAN interconnects different local area networks. A wide area network could be in companies and organisations for example, it could have connections to a company’s headquarters or branch facilities. Routers are used to connect a LAN to a WAN. They are functioned to allow users to share access to applications and other services. There are various different protocols within a wide area network such as broadband access and point-to-point protocol. WAN’s are mostly managed by a private organisation so that no other companies can get on their network however, there is open wide area networks too. The main example would be the internet. • WAN technologies There are various different technologies within a WAN.
WAN(Wide Area Network)-Wan is 2 or more local area networks connected together.It is fairly expensive to set up but like the LAN it is very fast.There are many different ways of creating WANS”S like using VPN’s over the internet.A WAN is created when the users of a LAN frequently needs access to rescources of another
Each location has its own local network thus it is distributed across the company, however this has its pros and cons that can affect the company. With the implementation of a WAN as defined in Telecommunications Essentials “A wide area network (WAN) is a group of computer networks connected over long distances by telecommunications links, which can be either wireline or wireless.” (Goleniewski & Jarrett, 2007, p. 201) The benefits that a WAN will bring to Kudler Fine Foods is a centralized management of all systems and an ease of use communication from store to store. As stated earlier along with the WAN, each location will also be implementing a WLAN. This shall improve network coverage and give each location the ability to place computer systems or POS machines in locations that may have not been possible before due to the lack of a hardline or ability to install a new line. Wireless technology has greatly improved over the years and has transitioned from an additional layer that may not be needed or only added if there was room in the budget to a
For correspondence between two PCs utilizing a serial interface or a PC joined by telephone line to a server.
LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN is a type of network that interconnects computers and devices either wired or wireless and covers a greater distance. LAN is mainly used in private organisations such as college or university. More or less everyone uses wireless router at home these days and the user is able to connect between 5-10 devices wirelessly. The user can share the broadband or the connection with ADSL by using Ethernet cables. Smaller LANs can connect at least
When setting up a LAN the architecture that you decide to choose is important. There are several factors that are decided when choosing said architecture, some of these being network speeds, types of cables, and access control mechanisms like collision detection (Team, 2011). The most common on in today’s LANs is Ethernet. These can be either wireless, wired, or a hybrid of both.
A LAN is a ‘Local Area Network’. It is a small network of computers most often
Computer Network: A LAN (local area network) that connects computers in a house, at school or at work.
2. What is the difference between a WAN and a LAN? Which type of network is the Internet? Which type of network is the classroom network?
It is in most cases used to connect multiple local area networks together to form a bigger network.
In the early years of the internet, large scaled groups of computer were a bit of an issue, it was a pain to manage computers in respects to the communication between all the clients inside that group. Not only was it inevitable that businesses would require many more computers in their offices but it was also inevitable that the demand for this was going to increase both in and out of the work place. Initially the main driving at the time for Local area networking was so that people in the same
A LAN networks job is to link computers together through a central device. That central device is the router, it is what transfers data to and from computers with an Ethernet cable or wirelessly as long as you are connected to the network. When you connect to the internet you are actually connecting to millions of networks that are connect through a multitude of ways: telephone lines, cable, and even fiber optic lines. A LAN and the Internet are the same only in the way that they both need a router to, well, route traffic. You actually can incorporate the Internet access into a LAN. The modem must be connected to the router and then that will provide a gateway between the Internet and the network connection. A firewall is very important
Ideally, each local office would integrate its computers with a LAN, so that all employees would be able to share information, and resources such as printers. In case there are multiple buildings in an office (like in the corporate office), each building would have its own LAN, and the LANs could be connected by a Backbone Network.
A family wishes to connect several devices to share an internet connection and a Bluetooth wireless printer. They have three personal computers. One is in the same room as the printer. The other two are together in another room. In addition, they want to utilize the network for an internet-enabled television and a VoIP phone.
A Wide Area Network ( WAN) is a computer network covering multiple distance areas, which may spread across the entire world. WANs often connect
Local area networks (LANs). DEFINITION The concept of local area networks (LANs) is not new. It represents a logical development of computer technology. With the advent of microcomputers in the 1980s many office workers began bringing their own disks into work, compromising data integrity.