
Designing A New On Boarding Development Programme

Better Essays

The purpose of this briefing paper for ZCo PLC is to work towards designing a new on-boarding development programme. This paper will look at emerging technologies and how they can be used to develop skills and knowledge within the organisation and enhance performance in relation to the employees:
• Strategic HRD Partner
• New Line Manager
• Employee on the operational side
Alongside this I will seek to identify key theories and models of practice which influence Human Resource Development (HRD) and can be both considered and used in the design of an on-boarding programme.
Defining HRD:
For the purpose of this paper I feel it is important to try to define HRD. HRD has a varied definition and has been discussed by both theorists and practitioners for some time, as a result there are many different interpretations of what it means or is.
Perhaps a good definition is that HRD seeks to align individual development with the needs of the organisation through both informal and formal learning methods; meeting the needs of both the businesses present and future aims.
This is supported by findings from the CIPD’s Learning and Development survey, which shows that they are currently “seeing a significant shift towards greater integration with the business and more awareness and recognition of the importance of evaluating business impact” (CIPD, 2014).
By ensuring that ZCo have an effective HRD strategy the business can work towards expanding into new markets, improving

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