Technology is ubiquitous in the 21st century, providing students with resources and help them become equipped with skills about the technology innovation; these are essential goals for educational institutions. Also, technology both can enhance effectiveness in administration and instruction (Gülbahar, 2007). Designing a technology plan based on the school needs becomes a fundamental part of technology leadership. According to Overbay, Mollette, & Vasu (2011), “Good planning mandates that each principal knows as much as possible about the school’s infrastructure and the specific teaching needs of the faculty” (p. 57). Therefore, a good technology plan should cover comprehensive needs, and our evaluations focus on Domain 5-10.
The plan
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The plan covers more than one year and lays out the goal for its implementations, but is short term in nature to each year of on-going objectives. Also, the strategies of implementations are not sufficient, albeit they are included. For instance, schools are required to verify their computer inventory within the plan (p. 8); yet, there are no further specific strategies. A site possesses, “Realistic goals should be established for the next three years” (“Technology Plan,” n.d.). Thus, the plan should list objectives and strategies for each year to support the goals of an at least three-year plan.
The plan only directly cited the ISTE standards once. However, it had evidence of the some of the guidelines. It included evidence for the five ISTE administrator standards (Visionary Leadership, Digital Citizenship, Systemic Improvement, Professional Practice and Digital Age Learning), but was weak in including components of the student and teacher standards. For example, administrators would utilize the Digital Age Learning standard by using of Moodle as a web-based content management system for delivering professional development; however, it did not include ways that teachers would incorporate tools and resources to maximize learning in their classrooms. I
In order to implement an action plan that integrates technology and accommodates diverse student populations, I first create a shared vision using data gathered from observations, surveys, and interviews and researched literature and a Current Reality Report/SWOT Analysis report. The Current Reality Report/SWOT Analysis report demonstrates my ability to facilitate the design, development, implementation, communication, and evaluation of technology-infused strategic plans because I was able to design and develop a report using data from surveys and interviews from various stakeholders after evaluating the School District’s Three Year Technology plan as well as my school’s School Improvement Plan. Using the ISTE’s Essential Conditions for successful technology integration and the ISTE Lead & Transform Diagnostic Tool as a guide, I was able to determine that my school has weakness and threats that need to be
As part of the community’s growth, large technology firms moved into the community and while they were willing to assist local schools, they also expected high school graduates to be skilled technology workers (MacDonald, 2006). To meet this need, the school board adopted a goal of providing a technology resource teacher in every school within the next three years. In addition, the school board had a five-year plan to increase and support instruction and instructional leadership in schools and improve student assessment scores on state exams in mathematics. In two years they planned to reduce language
No matter where one lives or what job is held, one thing remains necessary for success to occur, communication. Effective communication enables bosses to communicate with employees, family and friends to talk with one another, and teachers to communicate with students and parents. It is this communication that lays the ground work for success in any situation. Today, many people rely on various forms of technology to communicate with one another. The advancements in technology make sending out important reminders, cute pictures, or a simple life update quick and efficient. It is no different in the world of education. Teachers must learn how to use effective technology communication tools such as class websites, social media, e-mail, and text alerts to communicate quickly and effectively with both parents and students while preserving the safety and security of students working online.
* To inspire and motive the youth of our nation into become productive and responsible adults. I plan to do this by making sure they contribute to their intellectual, academic, and cultural
The Board of Education for the Rowan Salisbury Schools are fully aware of how twenty-first century technologies can affect the manner in which our teachers teach and our students learn. It is the goal of the district to provide a safe and nurturing atmosphere that is technologically rich. Providing every student and employee with access to these tools is meant to enhance and improve the learning experience that will ultimately improve the academic achievements of all of our students. The use of the District’s resources are not a right, but come with responsibilities for proper care and use of all district owned technology. The Board also reserves the right to place restrictions on the proper care and use of its devices.
This paper is a personal technology plan that includes my personal philosophy on integrating technology in the classroom as well as my professional goals concerning technology in the classroom. My Mission and Vision Statement are included as well as a plan for communications, integrating technology, software to support assessment, and technology ethics for a strong guideline in the classroom. Although this plan will need to be revised as advances in technology are made this is strong ground work that I can build on as a professional educator. Using this plan I can ensure that my students are using the latest
Submission of a technology plan not only maintains eligibility for various state and federal funding programs, it also helps districts identify areas of need, evaluate future technology requirements and allocate funding to support these objectives. Districts are required to update their technology plan every three years, upon approval, TEA issues a Technology Plan Approval Certificate.
Anderson, L. (1996). Technology planning at the state, district, and local levels. ERIC Digest [Online]. Available:
We were able to present an Instructional Technology Plan that guide major adoptions in technology for the schools with special emphasis on the integration of technology to teaching and learning. Once implementation began we were able to see Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom in the High School and most core content area classrooms in the middle school. Elementary was reserved to a second year and every classroom and School Library was included in the initiative. The plan was owned by the stakeholders and they were engaged in professional development to take full advantage of the technologies.
The results gathered were rather varied, however some common were identified. Many of the stakeholders indicated that they were unaware a school technology vision statement. Similarly, they expressed that they felt as though they were excluded from the process of creating the shared technology vision. Almost all of the participants that answered the survey felt that they had access to connectivity and devices whenever they needed. When it came to how confident they felt in utilizing and implementing these
Technology of the past 20 years has become a focal point of teaching and learning. As a teacher, it is my job to facilitate the learning for an individual by creating an environment that not only conducive for learning, but also places the child in a position to discover and learn them for themselves. Technology has given teachers to opportunity to take learning beyond the classroom, and has begun to reshape their role in the learning process.
A leader must first of all be able to model the techniques and processes that they want their teachers to employ with the students. For this reason leaders should use an effective board spectrum of educational tools to help teachers reach students of the 21st century. One of the great tools being used today is the increase in the amount of technology used in the classroom. From iPad to chromo books to cellphones teachers are using these forms of technology to enhance and deliver grade level curriculum (Korach, Agans 2011 216-233).
The complex social and historical foundations of education are rooted in the need to create a population of citizens capable of contributing to the continuing economic and political stability of our nation. First we were an agricultural society, then industrial, and now we are educating students for futures with that are yet unknown (explainvisualthinking, 2007). The new dynamic, created by the recent and rapid expansion of technology driven globalization has created the compelling need for technology infused education in our schools (Friedman, 2005). As an educational technology leader, I collaborate with other educators and families to create technology initiatives that will support educational technology in our schools.
Technology has turned into a paramount piece of our lives these days. Amid the recent years, technology has advanced from various perspectives and is likely in actuality better than anyone might have expected sometime recently. Individuals are continually attempting to discover something new that will enhance our lives significantly. In this paper; I will discuss the facts about the advantages of usage of technology in schools; how our education system is getting benefits from use of advance technologies and what possible future aspects are in this regard.
As we navigate through the 21st century, technology in the classroom is becoming further predominant. iPads are replacing our textbooks, and we can research any desired topic on our smartphones. The impact that technology has had on today’s schools has been utterly momentous. Educators have now seen firsthand the numerous benefits of technology in the classroom. According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA, around 75 percent of educators have come to the conclusion that technology has a positive impact on the education process. Educators have also recognized the significance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the workforce after they graduate (Cox). By incorporating technology in the classroom, teachers are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. The increase of technology has even changed how teachers teach along with how