Mass Media: Development and Literacy
Daniel Bedregal
Allyson Wells Mass Media: Development and Literacy
Mass media has had many changes in our history beginning with the printing press in the 1400’s up to today. The most drastic changes have occurred within the last century. These changes have influenced American culture in many ways. They have also changed the way we live everyday of our lives.
In the last century there have been many developments in the evolution of mass media. From the first radio commercial to invention of the television and then the use of Facebook, our mass media landscape has changed drastically in the last hundred years. In its day the radio was a major jump in mass communication. Messages were able to be delivered to many people very rapidly. Families’ even rushed home to make sure that they didn’t miss a program so that they didn’t miss what was happening in the world. When the television came along people could not believe how far we had come in just a few years. Now we could view the people that we had been listening to for the last decade. Over time the picture resolution got better stations expanded and we had access to many different forms of broadcasting up to present day when we can record our favorite programs and watch them later. Computers were later released which brought along the internet and different forms of mass media communication. And recently within the last 20 years we’ve had the release of the
There have been so many major developments in the evolution of mass media we now live in a day and age where we are constantly continuously connected. I have greatly always been fascinated by how much things have changed in just fifteen years. Fifteen years ago when I was sixteen and looking for a job. I would have to walk into an establishment and physically fill out a paper application and sometimes get an immediate interview. The other options were to use a news paper to look for jobs. Now just fifteen years later not even a century I can down load an application have my resume uploaded and apply for twenty jobs in a matter of minutes and receive call backs the same day it’s incredible. In the last century we have gone from the radio invention with just sound listening to movies, to black and white TV set, to color TV set to big flat screen TV that can go 3D.
Media had had a long influence on society, and top to bottom take a gander at its most famous forms today would most certainly uncover a few glaring disparities in the way TV network and print media communicate the information to the public. Many media are slanted, and somehow they are inclined to cover events and support people similar to their beliefs or ideas. Television and newspaper dominated the average American household in terms of being used to access information, nonetheless new ways of obtaining news like online web, and films are steady growing day by day into major ways in which people learn about what is happening close city and in the word. For instance, deportation has been a hotly debated issue in the media, especially during
From the 17th century to present, media has taken many forms and has evolved to reach every American in every corner of the country. It has been inadvertently responsible for such events as colonization, the American Revolution, and the Spanish American War. The reason media is so powerful today is because through its various avenues, the United States is constantly bombarded by information and advertisements trying to influence us and sway our opinions about issues in certain directions. Before we get too in depth on the subject, we should have a general definition of what ‘media’ is. To put it simply, according to the Oxford Dictionary it is: The main means of mass communication. (especially television, radio, newspaper, and the internet
The new era of technology led to major developments in the evolution of mass media, worldwide. In our society, we originally communicated orally before the Internet and wireless devices existed. Individuals relied on traditional forms of mass media, such as the television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, to attain knowledge of the outside world. Thereafter, the development of new forms mass media evolved, and we were introduced to the Internet and other wireless communication devices such as IPads and tablets, smart phones and social media sites. Regardless of the rise and fall in popularity of certain forms of mass media, the evolution of mass media influenced the American culture greatly.
The major developments in the evolution of mass media in the last century were newspapers, magazines, and radio. In the 1940’s these were the major developments that were used the most. This were where people got all information on media. Everyone always looked for the newspapers in the morning for information around their area about updates and media information that was needed or what interested them. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that television came into the big picture and people were able to get updates on the news, ad campaigns, celebrity gossip, world news updates became available. Television became the main source of resources for the mass media. In 1960’s the first satellite was released it allowed access to worldwide news. Satellites are still used today for information from NASA, and throughout worldwide for communication. Developments for mobile phones to computers to the internet. The process continues to increase and get faster every day. There is always new ways to improve, and the people who work on these are always trying to find the newest way of improvement. The growth of mass media continues to grow as centuries continue to get further and further into the future. New technology is always being evaluated and presented more than it has in the last century. The drive to get better, and faster is used by many. This is their mission for the future and in today’s world. People want to be informed on what is going on around
The world around us is always changing, they may be subtle changes at first and gradually changing over time. If you think about when you were younger or even before; when your parents were, you’ll remember how the first televisions was this big box that showed moving pictures in black and white. In this time of age, you will see how drastically a television is from the first one. We now have flat screen televisions with color! Of course, this does not happen overnight. Television has a lot of influence on a person, it starts from when we are young. When newer forms of technology began to modify the older versions like the arrival of the internet the media professionals called it convergence. (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, 2016, )There are a few phases in which all the changes happened. The first two era have to do with oral and written communication. Which of course is still in play today.
In the present day, the media is incorporated into our daily lives. Every day, through newspapers, radio, television, email, the internet and social media, are we sucked into an electronic world, which changes many of our beliefs and values about how we live our lives. It plays such a large role in almost every person’s life compared to 50 years ago, when the internet did not exist. It effects things such as our political views, tastes in music, views of men, women, gay and coloured people. Media is very powerful in that it is accessible by almost every human being in the world. Over the decades, there has been a significant increase in the amount of technological advancements, especially in the way of mobile devices and computers. The mass media, being an agent of socialisation, means that it has a significant influence on our lives, primarily in the way we interact with each other and learn social and cultural behaviours from others.
Over the last century, the way the world shares information and communicates has been continuously evolving. Such milestones in the development of communication and media over the last one hundred years include traditional media such as the telephone, radio and television. “New technologies have developed so quickly that executives in traditional media companies often cannot retain control over their content.” (Lule 2017). However, with the recent forms of new media such as the creation of the internet in the 1980’s and more recently social media such as Facebook and YouTube information can now be shared and absorbed at accelerated rate.
Media has been changing drastically since its inception. While print was the main form of media for the longest time, when radio and television became major forms of media they brought something with them that words could not do. People who were tuning in to the radio and watching television were now exposed to marketing campaigns, visual violence, sexuality, suffering and relief, and the start of celebrity idolization. As technology expanded and matured, the electronic age began. Since that time mass media has multiplied exponentially, information can be accessed faster and faster, more and more information could be circulated and accessed. As well as information circulating, marketing
Mass Media reaches a large part of our audiences today, whether it be from the movies, advertising, the internet, newspapers, magazines, twitter, you tube, Instagram, Facebook and so forth and because of this it can affect how we think and believe, both personally and as a society. Today, I will address three specific areas that product mass media channels have been used and has made a difference, either to me personally, or in society in general.
Media has a large influence on how people live their lives. The different media that developed in the last century provide entertainment, relevant information, and influence what we buy and how we act. Some of the significant developments in the evolution of mass media during the last century include Film, Radio, Television, and the Internet.
Everyone’s comprehension is different and unique. When a person receives a message from mass media, he tells the message which is from mass media to another person. These two people understand what does this message means; however, they may have different comprehension of this message. People can think about each message and analyze a message in different way because they have their own idea. For example, when people do a survey for a film, some people may think this film is very good; some people may think it is not very good, and the other people may think it is a bad film. Hence, people can give their different or same common in the same survey. People cannot judge their idea is right or wrong. In reality, people have different idea because they may be influenced by how the mass media illustrated, or how another people tell them about this message. At the same time, mass media cannot have much power to influence people because mass media may be wrong and aberrant. People cannot rely on mass media. If the message of mass media is wrong, this message perverts their mind. People make rational judgement and think problems during receiving message from mass media.
In my 20 years of living I can say that the things that I am used to seeing my parents’ generation where not use to seeing. The reason for this is because of the time deafferents, many things have change over all or have progressed. Somethings that have changed rapidly over time is mass media, mass media has progressed fast over the years. Coming out with new technology and changing the way people work and view this world. In my parents’ generation the only media there was, was newspapers, and interactions with other people. Now and days, media is seen all over and in many different was. Newspapers, internet, cell phones (smart phones), radio, television, and much more. This is what brings me to my topic that I will be talking about and that is the major development in the evolution of mass media in the last century.
Many teenagers and young adults, especially women, suffer from a negative body image or an eating disorder due to the deception of mass media. Unrealistic beauty and body standards can be the cause of low self-esteem, which in return can cause many harmful diseases/eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating, and obesity. Most of these medical problems occur in high schools and modeling agencies. Young females and males use social media to compare their life and body to the images they see online, many of which are filtered and edited, causing their followers to only see what they want them to see. Mass media has become an issue ever since smartphones and the internet have become more easily accessible. It is important because, so many health issues are occurring do to the mass media. Educating younger generations about the deception social media provides is important because we can raise awareness of the issues social media is causing.
In today's society, mass media is considered to have been one of the most powerful leading sources of news stories and content on what is going on in the world. Mass Media and entertainment are the most used forms of popular culture that plays a noteworthy role when it comes down to shaping and sculpting our perceptions of others. For many citizens of the us, news media is one of the most primary ways that we learn about different people from different places and learn about people who are different from us. The problem though, is that many representations are based on cultural stereotypes, which tend to marginalize and place certain groups inferior to others. The media is considered to be a tool to create and maintain a balanced society which is created by a group of well-informed people, democracy and also a sense of social justice. In fact, the media has a prominent influence on all aspects of human life in modern times Sadly, a lot of the images that are shown and viewed in the media tend to leave long lasting impressions, whether good or bad. Some of these impressions have the ability to leave a negative impact on the viewers. Although the media is a very useful resource, the media has been very destructive to our society and most importantly the African American community. sense of humor.