
Diabetes Mellitus : An Autoimmune Disease And Affects The Body 's Metabolism Of Carbohydrates

Good Essays

Carla Rodriguez
MED 2056
Diabetes Mellitus
Instructor Anglo
March 11, 2015

Diabetes mellitus is an autoimmune disease and affects the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates. There are varying types of diabetes but patients are predominantly diagnosed with type 1 or 2. Type 1 is an insulin dependent diabetes mellitus and type 2 is a non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Patients are tested for diabetes by undergoing blood sugar tests or urinalysis. Typical symptoms are increased thirst, frequent urination, slowed healing, weight loss, excessive hunger, blurred vision and integument issues. Though this condition varies in severity, most patients can be treated with medications, by balancing their diets, and monitoring their blood sugar levels.
Patients with type 1 diabetes are believed to have acquired it through genetic disposition or an autoimmune abnormality caused by an environmental trigger. Essentially, the body’s pancreatic beta cells are destroyed, which in turn, inhibits the pancreas from either producing or secreting insulin. This caused a disarraying effect to all body systems. The cause of type 2 diabetes is said to be from an “imbalance between insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion” (Ralph A. DeFronzo). The pancreas is not producing adequate levels of insulin, seizing production of insulin or the insulin that is produced isn’t being used well (Kullman, 2006, p.146). This is an issue because sugar stays sedentary in the

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