
Dialectical Journal For Brave New World

Decent Essays

Chapter 4: Reevaluate
Time to make some changes, starting with that very difficult word: “Sorry.”

“The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies but its obedience.” – Oswald Chambers
"We talk of the Second Coming: half the world has never heard of the first." – Oswald J. Smith

Airports are fascinating places. People watching is fun—what better place than at an airport? They are places charged with emotion. They are the perfect place for witnessing tearful goodbyes and heartwarming reunions. If you are ever feeling down or gloomy, just go to the international arrivals section of your nearest airport. They are some of the happiest places on earth—you see tears not of sadness or loss, but of delight and joy.

The thing I love most about airports is you meet all types of people there. You meet the ecstatic people, those who use this time as “social hour” to get to know you, even if you don’t want to know them. This is normally when you have to …show more content…

The word means one who learns, one who follows, and one who then teaches. Discipling is by definition an on-going process for us individually, but also by generation. Young people are relying on the older generations to make them disciples so they, in turn, can make disciples of the next generation.

Discipleship is about engaging in the Word, following and obeying Jesus and going out to make disciples. An essential element in being a disciple is to be open to learning, to be teachable. It is a mindset to be continuously adopted and cultivated. For us to disciple others, we must be a better disciple ourselves. When making disciples, we are instructing others to be willing to be a discoverer. It applies to both spiritual growth as well as personal development, openness to new techniques, ideas and methods in all aspects of life. Our spiritual learning comes from delving into His

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