
Difference Between AHCD And The POLST

Satisfactory Essays

One patient that I can recall being assigned to me happened to be the husband of one of the housekeepers at the facility I work at. The patient, nor the wife, understood any medical terms and English was not their first language. Hence, I spoke with them in the language they felt comfortable with, Tagalog. The patient was oriented enough to participate in the conversation and his speech was discernable even having a stroke. In bringing the subject on POLST or AHCD, the patient and his wife misconstrued the document as their will. So I had to explain the material in full detail. My patient’s wife did not know what to do and looked at me for guidance, especially regarding his husband's code status. The patient, who is in his late 80's, appears to be high functioning, but did not seem to be taking the subject seriously (or just frustrated at his situation/illness), by saying the phrase, "just let me die …show more content…

I asked her if they, as husband and wife, had discussed what they agreed to do in situations like this. Using the AHCD and the POLST forms as a guide to explain both forms in detail, I asked her what she thinks her husband's wishes are if his condition deteriorates? She could not answer straight and became tearful. I tried to rationalize each option for her and explain that she could always change the elected choices. In the end, she elected to keep her husband, Full Code. She also elected to have artificial nutrition and hydration provided to the patient if the patient's condition deteriorates. However, she did not want to specify a surrogate decision

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