
Different Types Of Multicast Routing Patterns In Your Network

Decent Essays

There are different types of routing mechanisms that will cloak certain subnets which represent all the machines in one geographic location. This means that if people do not want to see subnets within your network then there is no reason that such things should have the potential to travel through your network (Schulting). In order for people to gain access for seeing particular events, then they will need to run a special program that will allow them to gain access. This will notify your device to use its network interface card otherwise known as “NIC” to go and join a multicast group. The NIC well then use an Internet Group Management Protocol to notify the local multicast routers that it would like to join a certain group (Schulting). …show more content…

The packet is basically forced to the hosts who have no say whether they would like to receive the packet or not (Tech Differences). On the other hand, while multicasting, the packet is delivered to intended recipients only. Also, the transmission of a packet is one-to- all while broadcasting and while multicasting, the transmission of the packet is one-to-many (Tech Differences).
Broadcasting also does not require any group management. Multicasting uses group management in order to define networks where at least one host is actually interested in receiving the packet (Tech Differences). While trying to broadcast, bandwidth will be wasted. This occurs when the packet is delivered to all of the hosts even though some are not even interested in receiving that packet. Unlike broadcasting, multicasting effectively utilizes its bandwidth because the packet will only be delivered to the hosts that are actually interested in receiving the packet (Tech Differences).
The flow of traffic is also a main difference between broadcasting and multicasting. Broadcasting will create a very large amount of traffic on the network when it delivers each packet to all of the hosts that are on the network. Unlike broadcasting, multicasting has its flow of traffic under control (Tech Differences). This is due to the fact that packets are delivered to interested hosts only thus reducing

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