
Diploma Nurses

Decent Essays

Educational preparation: different levels of nursing With magnet hospitals on the rise, there is a new incentive by the IOM (Institute of Medicine) to have 80% of nurses to have their bachelor’s degree by 2020. According to the IOM, nurses with a higher level of education, i.e. bachelor’s degree, have better patient outcomes due to possessing a higher skill set, and knowledge (HealthCom Media, 2015). So, what does this mean for Diploma nurses, and ADN nurses? Does this now make them obsolete?
Diploma Nurses Historically, diploma nurses worked entry level positions, and they mainly received their education through hospital training. Although, their training was not based in a classroom setting, they still took the same basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, and microbiology courses, and …show more content…

Although, obtaining a bachelor’s degree is more time consuming, and more expensive; it also leads to greater opportunities, job advancement, better paying jobs, and the ability to obtain an entry level management position ("Different Paths to Becoming a Nurse," 2015).
How decision-making may differ based on education level A study was performed on hospice and public health nurses. This study researched if there was a correlation with cultural sensitivity and education level. This study showed, with an increase in education, there was an increase in cultural knowledge and competence. ("Cultural competency among nurses with undergraduate and graduate degrees: Implications for nursing education," 2014, p. 84) This study was repeated, however, this study was performed on 76 public health nurses, and this study also revealed that an increase in education improved cultural awareness, sensitivity, and knowledge ("Cultural competency among nurses with undergraduate and graduate degrees: Implications for nursing education," 2014, p.

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