
Disaster Management Applications Of Uavs : A Case Study

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• Related Work [5] used a genetic algorithm to optimize the locations of UAVs to improve the throughput coverage and the fifth-percentile throughput of the network. Researchers in [6] identified main disaster management applications of UAVs and discussed some open research issues. They showed that UAV networks in conjunction with WSN and cellular network are promising future technology for the applications in disaster management. [7] used SysML-Sec/TTool for formal verification of safety and security of an autonomous UAV mission. They modelled the embedded and communication system of the UAV as well as the processing performed by the central computer controlling the UAV. [8] described cross-platform application and algorithm for handling …show more content…

[14] investigated a technique for mapping an unknown environment in case of a disaster, and detecting humans using computer vision techniques. They also showed that QR codes can be used for localization for areas where GPS is not available. [15] tested flying communication servers where the UAVs are equipped with Wi-Fi, Web server, WebRTC server and a video camera. They proposed that the users with their smartphones will be able to exchange text chat asynchronously, and execute the real-time video communication as well. [16] proposed a mobility model based on Jaccard dissimilarity metric for the self-deployment of an Aerial Ad Hoc Network in a disaster scenario. They then tested it using software simulations that integrated the mobility of the victims and generated the UAVs mobility traces based on their model. [17] discussed the key enabling technologies for IoT for post-disaster response and recovery. They presented an algorithm for an ad hoc network formation linked to device-to-device communications towards a robust post-disaster management framework. [18] presented a system of interconnected smart modules to enable centralized data acquisition and provide an interlinked network for transmission of data in smart city monitoring or in absence of any existing infrastructure. Researchers in [19] went beyond the potential of the ad hoc proposed linear hierarchies and proposed

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